On Rand Paul’s Call to Increase the Number of FBI Agents by 7.4%

Target Liberty

As I have reported, Rand Paul, on Sunday in Senate floor comments during his blockage of the bill that would allow NSA bulk data collection to go on, called for an increase in the number of FBI agents by 1,000.

According to the latest data from the FBI, there are currently 13,455 FBI special agents. Thus, Rand is calling for an increase in the number of agents by 7.4%.

For those who have been cheering on Rand’s so-called battle against Big Government, this is a stunning move by the Senator. It will be very difficult for true libertarians to defend. And, as I have said, it strongly suggests that Rand has no true libertarian instincts.  

Remember, the battle he is waging, against NSA data bulk number collection, is about a technology that collects the to and from numbers of phone calls. By all indications, this is an incredible vast collection of data that is mostly left untouched.

To be sure, if the government focuses in on someone, they can pull from the data any calls made by that person. But any such use of data, though not good, would be, at present, extremely limited.

That said, an increase in the number of FBI agents by 7.4% will mean that there will simply be that many more agents to investigate what the government considers as crimes.

I remind those that are supporters of Ross Ulbricht that it is the FBI that investigated and arrested him.

Increasing the number of FBI agents by 7.4% is a bizarre way to shrink government. It is, of course, the exact opposite.

Rand has once again put his supporters in an extremely difficult situation. Justin Raimondo, for example, is claiming that the added agents would be no big deal on these grounds:

One must ask, if Justin thinks the FBI is so incompetent, why can’t the same justification be made about NSA agents?

In fact, I believe this entire idea that floats around in parts of the libertarian movement that government enforcement is incompetent is absurd.  If that is the case, then why be concerned about government at all?

The fact of the matter is that government resources are limited and they can’t focus on everyone, but increasing the number of agents by 7.4% means that many more investigations will go on, many that would be highly questionable by libertarians.

In other words, Rand Paul has snatched a small step in the direction of liberty and coupled it with a call for an increase in an enforcement arm of government.

Form a libertarian perspective, it is clear Rand Paul can’t be trusted on any issue and I really feel sorry for you supporters that have to come up with ever more absurd defenses of Rand.

Let me put it to libertarians clearly: Anytime a candidate you support calls for a 7.4% increase in an enforcement arm of government, you are supporting the wrong candidate.



5 thoughts on “On Rand Paul’s Call to Increase the Number of FBI Agents by 7.4%

  1. It’s sad when people put out articles like this. Does he not realize Rand is an employee of the Bar?

  2. “Let me put it to libertarians clearly: Anytime a candidate you support calls for a 7.4% increase in an enforcement arm of government, you are supporting the wrong candidate.”

    Now let me put it to libertarians who aren’t government trolls: Anytime you support any candidate you’re exposing your utter stupidity, and if you think anyone in D.C. is going to solve our problems, you need to stop dreaming and face reality.

  3. Rand lost me at “I am happy to announce that I am endorsing Romney for president” on HANNITY and while Ron was giving an awesome speech in Fort Worth!

  4. Yes, let’s advocate getting rid of the USA Freedom Act and at the same time increase the number of FBI agents? WTF?????!!!! He wants to get rid of one thing and replace it with something equally bad.

    Does he enjoy acting like a lunatic along with the rest of them?

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