Open Letter in Response to the U.S. – EU Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty

As all American Nationals know the intentions of the despots which masquerade as “Leaders”,  “Politicians”, and “Lawmakers”, we look at each of you with steely resolve and Righteous indignation.

KNOW FULL WELL what will transpire “should” you make  ANY ATTEMPT of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty….in ANY FORM.

Should the “Illegal Decree” be ratified by Congress and the attempt made to “Grab” America’s LIBERTY TEETH be enacted, the streets will run Red with Communists’ Blood!   

WE THE PEOPLE stand FIRM in our RESOLVE and COMMITMENT to PUNISH ALL Traitors and Collaborators associated with ANY actions taken in this direction.

FURTHER MORE, ANY foreign power which takes part in said activities that assists in these “ILLEGAL” actions, will be considered as firing the first shot against America, Her Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and God GIVEN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, where upon will be considered as an ACT OF WAR upon the LAWFUL American Nationals of the united States of America.

MAKE NO MISTAKE and let it be known ANY actions, proceedings, treaties, agreements, or assistance which gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the above mentioned will be looked upon and dealt with in accordance to our Rights to “Throw Off” any Oppression and/or Tyranny and WILL BE DONE SO WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!

May God Have Mercy On YOUR Souls,

The 1775 Council of Liberty


6 thoughts on “Open Letter in Response to the U.S. – EU Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty

  1. I totally agree with the sentiment here. However, there are a couple of technical details in error.

    1) Our rights as Americans are UNALIENABLE, not inalienable. Yes, there is a huge difference. Unalienable means my rights could not be taken away even if I chose to give them away, where inalienable leaves that door open.

    2) We are not LEGAL citizens. We are lawful American Nationals. With that said, a trap has been established through the 14th Amendment, the social security number, birth certificates and so forth, that have made a large number of the population unknowingly “legal citizens” bound to the state as a corporate entity. Now that you know, look into breaking those shackles.

    Other than those two points, the letter most certainly demonstrates my feelings as well.

    1. Thank You ! for the observations ……
      I am no legal writer, but I do hope
      the promise that’s conveyed to the
      Traitors, affords them their LAST warning.
      Thank You ! for recognizing my intent
      and assisting with this letter.

  2. I do not play well with others,especially foreign entities that want to try and absolve the countries constitution,I feel millions in this country from all parts of the country agree with me on this,interesting times coming.

  3. Time to follow CT’s lead-
    1. get all the House & Senate members names that would sign the treaty then
    2. Get their home phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses and
    3. when they are up for re-election, then
    3. publish them on every internet forum, while
    4. laying siege to them via POLITE but firm contacts explaining why they are wrong.

    This tactic worked in CT so far, and partially in NY State for enforcing the SAFE Act. Suddenly there was no appetite to give the ‘Enforce it all’ order, and no shots fired to date.

  4. CT, NY, CA, oh yea, it’s game on! You come and take our guns, you better be ready to face the wrath of We the People!

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