Oregon school suspends 8th-grader over battlefield cross T-shirt

Fox News

An Oregon middle school cracked down last week on a student who showed up in a battlefield cross T-shirt that said, “Standing for those who stood for us.”

Eighth-grader Alan Holmes’ T-shirt imagery of a rifle, helmet and boots denoting loss may have symbolized patriotism to him, but not to administrators at Dexter McCarty Middle School in Gresham who demanded the boy change his shirt and then suspended him when he refused.  

“I’m not changing into a Dexter shirt,” the 13-year-old told Fox 12. “They won’t let me wear a shirt that supports the people that keep us free, I’m not going to support them.”

The showdown with the principal over Alan’s T-shirt took place Wednesday while emotions were still roiling in the state over the mass shooting at Umqua Community College that left a teacher and eight students dead.

School officials handed down the suspension and then called the boy’s father to come pick him up.

“I was nervous and kind of heartbroken because I feel like I should be able to support the troops that have died for us,” Alan told the station.

Charles Holmes said his son only wanted to show support for his older brother who served in Iraq with the Marines.

“Yeah, I’m proud of him,” he said. “I would have done the same thing.”

Fox 12 reported that school officials weren’t commenting on the suspension.

A school district spokeswoman told KGW-TV that “we have a policy on student dress and grooming. Weapons on a shirt are not appropriate in a school setting.”


7 thoughts on “Oregon school suspends 8th-grader over battlefield cross T-shirt

  1. “They won’t let me wear a shirt that supports the people that keep us free, I’m not going to support them.”

    How are the people he’s supporting keeping us free? Who was going to invade us and impose their laws on us? The Iraqis? The Taliban?

    It’s always sad to see kids getting brainwashed at such a young age and failing to develop any critical thinking skills. It’s really not his fault — he’s too young to think for himself. Nevertheless, this boy will grow up worshipping his “heroes” in the Zionist Imperial Legions. When he’s old enough, he’ll likely become one himself, hoping that others will see HIM as a hero. Thus another servant of our psychopathic political class will be born.

      1. Although most, if not all, Americans have been indoctrinated into a Bolshevik/Marxist/Atheist mindset for near 100 years by and through our public schools, universities, our Jewish Media and Jewish Hollywood, there is one aspect here that is ignored. It’s called “love of country”, and that is what this boy, being proud of his brothers service was trying to communicate.

        I too served in the Marines in Vietnam, and at the time I considered myself serving our countries interests and their efforts to stop the spread of Communism. It’s complicated and after years of self-educating myself I have discovered the truth of many of our so called “efforts” to be nothing but at the service of International Judeo/Freemasonry, as most wars have been in the last few hundred years or so.

        But, this boy seems to have still, the idea that his brother was defending our country, whether right or wrong, in his understanding of today’s political and conspiratorial climate, and that in itself is a good sign that some today still have this “love of country” in their minds, regardless of the real circumstances, and that is what this shirt and boy was displaying, both his love of his brother and his country.

        Ultimately, this boys display was, in his mind, “love of country and his brothers apparent, to his mind, service to this idea.

        So, for people to display love of country, love of their family members in the service, is a virtue well worth displaying and believing in, not something to ridicule. He certainly, and many others, might not realize what are the real forces working here, but when people display a love of their country, that is in all its aspects a virtuous thing to hold onto, and love of country is now under attack by all our countries enemies, both those from within and without.

  2. “we have a policy on student dress and grooming. Weapons on a shirt are not appropriate in a school setting.”

    Yes they are.

    What is not appropriate in a school setting are communists control freaks like the ones cited in the article.

  3. The kids aren’t alright. Song from the Offspring….
    What are words for .. when no one listens anymore.
    Missing Persons.

  4. “They won’t let me wear a shirt that supports the people that keep us free,…”

    So we’ve been told.

  5. Let the government school fools know what’s what…I did:

    Principal: John George
    School Phone: (503) 665-0148
    School Fax: (503) 669-1892

    School Address:
    1400 SE 5th Street
    Gresham, Oregon 97080

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