Our National Parks Now Belong to United Nations

In case the American nationals have forgotten.

Texe Marrs

Across this great land, our national parks, wildlands, forests, and lakes are being turned over to UN control. Joseph Urso, Jr., a friend of the ministry who hails from Knoxville, Tennessee, recently sent me a photograph of the entrance sign of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Notice the telling phrase on the sign: “AN INTERNATIONAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE.”  

This means that, under the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, a precious resource—owned by American citizens for over 200 years—has been turned over to the UN’s bureaucrats for control. Yes, you and I will continue to pay taxes for the maintenance and upkeep of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. But we no longer own it. Now, the UN has ultimate jurisdiction. This alone is startling evidence that the once independent nation-state known as the United States of America is going out with a whimper and not a bang. Our sovereignty is coming to an end.

As a consequence, across the U.S.A., our parks and wilderness areas are slowly being closed to the public. Roads inside the parks are being grazed over. Mountain passes and hiking paths are being blockaded. “No fishing,” “No hunting,” “No trespassing” signs are being erected everywhere on public lands. Entrance fees are being jacked up 100%, even 500% higher, to keep American families out of their own lands.

The UN and its elitist masters don’t want you ontheir property! And in case you do “trespass” and enter forbidden areas of these pristine UN lands, you might just be shot. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agents and park personnel are now taught to love nature’s Mother Earth and to despise and loathe human beings. They are being given firearms and instructed to use them. Meanwhile, foreign immigrants from India, China, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Russia and other nations are being recruited for this national park service police duty because, unlike U.S. nationals, non-English speaking foreigners will not hesitate to carry out orders and shoot American citizen “intruders.”

But even if you are not shot or arrested, there is still a possibility of being bitten—or eaten! As my friend, Joseph Urso, Jr., points out, the feds have been reintroducing vicious wolves into Yellowstone National Park and into Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The idea is to put the lives of park visitors in jeopardy and to frighten tourists away.

Environmental groups, of course, are overjoyed that the UN is taking over our parks and forests and putting the screws to the people. Such organizations as the Nature Conservancy and the National Wildlife Federation are funded and controlled by Rockefeller monied interests. The leaders of these organizations hate human beings and believe that the takeover of our parklands and heritage sites by the UN is the paying of homage to their pagan nature goddess, “Mother Earth.”

In protest, I have registered a complaint with U.S. Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina. Helms, a Republican, is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. As Chairman, he has the power to put a stop to all this nonsense. What’s more, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park lies partly inside Helm’s home state, North Caro-lina, as well as in neighboring Tennessee.

My answer from Senator Helms came in March when he and his committee warmly embraced and voted for President Clinton’s choice, Madeleine Albright, to become Secretary of State. Albright, a Marxist, is an avid supporter of the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty. She endorses the unconstitutional giving away of American sovereignty over its lands and natural resources.

Some may be surprised that Jesse Helms would commit this act of high treason. They are puzzled that the Senator, who is so warmly supported by the Christian Coalition and other conservative groups, would conspire with Bill Clinton, the UN, and the Illuminati elite to give away our birthright and heritage to New World Order forces.

Ever since Jesse Helms was elevated to the 33° of Freemasonry, bowing his knee before the black stone altar of the false gods Jahbulon, Mahabone, and Abaddon, he has digressed in his strong support of American sovereignty. As happens with all Masons, the occultic, 33° ritual brings on possession of the celebrant by devils.

In fact, Jesse Helms can’t help himself. Like Judas Iscariot, he is taken captive by alien forces. Helms has been neutralized, and our historic, great nation is laid low before vile, global forces—forces intent on America’s unconditional surrender to the Illuminati’s antichrist, United Nations establishment.

Texe Marrs and Power of Prophecy Ministries oppose violence. But when the American populace—or at least the few who still care and are not dumbed-down—realize that this country’s national treasures and heritage have been given away for a mess of globalist porridge, intense anger will result.

No doubt, the elite are preparing for just such an eventuality. If Joe and Jane American discover that Yellowstone, Big Bend, Sequoia, Rocky Mountain, Great Smoky, Yosemite, and the other national parks and monuments are under UN jurisdiction and control, the government fully expects a counter-revolutionary explosion.

That’s why the UN is bringing in foreign troops and training them—at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and other military bases—to assault U.S.A. cities and towns. That’s why the Universal Beast 666 Computer Control System, Project L.U.C.I.D., is being implemented. It is why the White House is making a priority the passage by Congress of totalitarian, gun control legislation and supposed “anti-terrorist” acts. It is why our Armed Forces are now earnestly training to quell a domestic insurrection by militias and patriots. The elite know what’s just ahead. They are preparing to deal with the resisters and dissidents—in other words, the old-fashioned, solid American patriots and Christians who still refuse to bow to the gods of the New World Order.


21 thoughts on “Our National Parks Now Belong to United Nations

  1. Thank you koyote. I’ll post this on spacebook(facebook…you know, mostly la,la la, la la) with hopes that maybe a sleeper will awaken. Ya never can tell.


  2. “Our National Parks Now Belong to United Nations”

    Here’s a dilemma for those interested in real estate law:
    If everyone in the U.N. was hanged from a tree, would they still own our national parks?

    Somehow I don’t think so

    1. After hanging them they would become very beneficial to the environment with the fertilizer they would make. Personally chaining them to a tree naked in grizzly bear territory sounds good too! Would never want the bears to choke on the clothing you know.

      1. Nah, let the mountain lions get ’em…mountain lions in Big Bend Park LOVE to eat humans…no really…then again are these psychos even human? but that’s okay…mountain lions will eat reptilians too if they are large enough…

        1. I don’t know what Jesse Helms they are talking about but Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina is dead and buried in Oak Wood Cemetery in Raleigh NC. Has been dead for several earl years.

    1. Assumed power is always of the nature of deception and lies. Of course we did not grant authority or jurisdiction to the evil ones. They have NO physical contract, outside of the Live Birth Record / Birth Certificate swap ( Debt / Creditor Monetization, which is fraud, racketeering, and extortion ), wherein we, with full knowledge and understanding, willfully granted assumed said rights. DID NOT HAPPEN !!!

      So, since we never said ” yes “, and these luciferian killers assumed, Isn’t it time we blew them out of the water with our most powerful ” non-compliance ” ??? I’m speaking of NO. NO IS the power. Use it, or lose it. Peace till the war blows up, then one shot, one kill . . . . .

  3. Many years ago, my wife and I and several friends, went to the Knob Creek machine gun shoot. My wife and I decided to take a side trip to Mammoth Cave Nation Park. There was a large boulder near the entrance with a bronze plaque on it, with similar words designating the area as being part of a UN controlled site. I asked a female park guard about the plaque. She stated, “what are you, some sort of radical”? Well, actually yes. Her response, left no doubt in my mind, that these guards are trained to defend this treason. I was dismayed at how easily our young people can be sucked into believing that the UN is good. Of course, the gun range at Knob Creek cheered me up, as I witnessed a small portion of what awaits the tyrants.

  4. You have to remove liberals, environmentalist, radicals, communist, the left from your government or you will lose more than your national parks.

    These people have to be both removed and forbidden authority of any kind! And a law made to arrest them for any government activity.

    What if we speak up, will we be labeled as that and arrested? No, because we are not against the Constitution like they are.

  5. There was a news item some time last year, I think towards the end of the year, which said the U.N. now claimed the oceans as theirs!!!!!

    How do they enforce this????????

  6. Good article, but title to these lands never belonged to the Federal Government. The constitution specifically limits the lands that the Federal Government may own (in addition to DC) as those: “purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dockyards, and other needful Buildings” [Art 1, 8.17]. The states need to assert their ownership rights to these lands and occupy these lands, thereby displacing Feds, UN, etc.

  7. This IS NOT new, to anyone that has been paying attention! The move to give up our National Parks, to China and other overseas interests, was in full swing at least 15-18 years ago! A group I was affiliated with had pictures showing several of our National Parks being listed as International Biospheres, but there was more! As the United States borrowed more and more from China, with no way to repay the loans, we walked into bankruptcy as a nation. As a bankrupt borrower, the USA would enter into receivership and it’s assets would be sold or handed over to satisfy the outstanding debt…..As the US has no gold, it’s assets would be National Parks, national forests, inactive ports and bases, and federal buildings and other holdings. All of this was discussed years ago, but it was too far fetched for most to believe……fast forward to today: We owe China billions if not trillions, we are dependent on them for many, many items we use daily, they have all the gold, our currency is in the shitter, and we have a socialist president that cant;t wait to give our country away………We the People are the last hope for keeping our country, but will we wait too long? Good question and one that needs a really good and hard answer about what to do when and if this comes to pass, which it will! We re fast running out of time, Jade Helm 15 is becoming very clear, and our country is being “infested” with foreign troops that are here for one purpose and one ionly!

  8. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Like, why are you giving us 20 year old shit. Damn, if I wanted to make you laugh on Monday then on joke on Friday should get the job done. Steve Quayle, the joke of all jokes. Givme a break!

  9. I take it this is an old article but it may explain why Big Bend is closing down many of its campgrounds from June until October. Excuse given was there were a lack of staff. Still think Jade Helm may have something to do with it also.

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