Same ol’ Same ol’…The most upsetting part of this disgusting exploitation of these Negroes by these Yiddish cunts is that THEY, these Yiddish cunts, were the ones who ENSLAVED and transported Negroes to these shores for profit in the first place . Go do some research if you doubt it .
Always about parasitic material acquisition with these cunts… Their spirituality rises no higher than the mud of money-lending and “civil” contracting.
Ever only for mean material profit, and at horrific cost in bloodshed and tears and torturous toil to the enslaved.
These same ol’ same ol’ Hegelian tactics should be noticeable by now if you’ve been paying attention… It’s always the same:
Problem / Reaction / Solution
Divide / Conquer.
1-Create a crisis
2-Create damage, wreckage and victims enough to gin up THE FEAR to the point that the masses demand a solution…until they demand SAFETY…a return to a less chaotic baseline…
3-Offer up “The Solution”, which was the reason this manipulative charade was concocted in the first place..and voila!!
Ignorant and fearful sheeple see an end to their current discomforts if they merely compromise a little.
You’ll then witness sheeple jumping from one constrictive sheep pen to another, ever more restrictive sheep pen, all the while thinking they were fortunate and wise in their choice; unaware of their own idiotic complicity in their own devolution…Their own destruction.
Trenchers all understand this.
We’re WELL beyond diplomacy or dialogue or perfunctory corporate ceremony…
We ain’t gonna jump through any more hoops .
We’re looking forward to Killing them on our STOOPS (that’s city slang for front steps / porch…) 😉
And we won’t be confused when it comes to destroying our enemies: wolves, hyenias AND sheeple alike.
They all have to GO.
Re: “The most upsetting part of this disgusting exploitation of these Negroes by these Yiddish cunts is that THEY, these Yiddish cunts, were the ones who ENSLAVED and transported Negroes to these shores for profit in the first place. Go do some research if you doubt it.”
I appreciate your passion but have to say that that issue (Jewish ownership of the slave-trade) has been covered here at the Trenches for many years. That, along with the story of white slavery.
Dare not ye own research and learn any truth about these people and their history and their own supremacy positions, let alone how the goy are referenced, this is heresy to ever do that. Repeat after me; 6 million, 6 million, 6 million…. now repeat endlessly…
Wonder what they think of Dion? Kinda blows their narrative away….
More of these idiots stuff here.
Oops, this is the same vid just under a different title. To late to delete, the time ran out.
Same ol’ Same ol’…The most upsetting part of this disgusting exploitation of these Negroes by these Yiddish cunts is that THEY, these Yiddish cunts, were the ones who ENSLAVED and transported Negroes to these shores for profit in the first place . Go do some research if you doubt it .
Always about parasitic material acquisition with these cunts… Their spirituality rises no higher than the mud of money-lending and “civil” contracting.
Ever only for mean material profit, and at horrific cost in bloodshed and tears and torturous toil to the enslaved.
These same ol’ same ol’ Hegelian tactics should be noticeable by now if you’ve been paying attention… It’s always the same:
Problem / Reaction / Solution
Divide / Conquer.
1-Create a crisis
2-Create damage, wreckage and victims enough to gin up THE FEAR to the point that the masses demand a solution…until they demand SAFETY…a return to a less chaotic baseline…
3-Offer up “The Solution”, which was the reason this manipulative charade was concocted in the first place..and voila!!
Ignorant and fearful sheeple see an end to their current discomforts if they merely compromise a little.
You’ll then witness sheeple jumping from one constrictive sheep pen to another, ever more restrictive sheep pen, all the while thinking they were fortunate and wise in their choice; unaware of their own idiotic complicity in their own devolution…Their own destruction.
Trenchers all understand this.
We’re WELL beyond diplomacy or dialogue or perfunctory corporate ceremony…
We ain’t gonna jump through any more hoops .
We’re looking forward to Killing them on our STOOPS (that’s city slang for front steps / porch…) 😉
And we won’t be confused when it comes to destroying our enemies: wolves, hyenias AND sheeple alike.
They all have to GO.
Let Freedom Reign
Re: “The most upsetting part of this disgusting exploitation of these Negroes by these Yiddish cunts is that THEY, these Yiddish cunts, were the ones who ENSLAVED and transported Negroes to these shores for profit in the first place. Go do some research if you doubt it.”
I appreciate your passion but have to say that that issue (Jewish ownership of the slave-trade) has been covered here at the Trenches for many years. That, along with the story of white slavery.
So don isn’t the king of the Jews. I thought they loved him?..
Revolutionary Love…Ha ha.. unreal…
Dare not ye own research and learn any truth about these people and their history and their own supremacy positions, let alone how the goy are referenced, this is heresy to ever do that. Repeat after me; 6 million, 6 million, 6 million…. now repeat endlessly…
Wonder what they think of Dion? Kinda blows their narrative away….