7 thoughts on “Over 1 Million Bikers Ride on D.C.! Only 200 Muslims Show Up at Event!

  1. This biker event was covered by the mainstream media and even the ten Muslims that showed up was covered by the mainstream media. Both served the insurgency as intended in overshadowing the AE911Truth event, which was not covered by US mainstream media.
    These bikers that everyone is praising did nothing more than assist in the perpetuation of the lie of 911…and aren’t they wonderful people for showing their support for the victims while providing cover for the criminals that made the victims?

    1. I agree, Henry. Wonder if these million bikers rode under banners “Bikers For 911 Truth”, if the MSM would’ve covered the event-or would they have ignored them just like A and E for 911 truth? I would’ve LOVED to see a million bikers ride onto Wall Street and demand the TRILLIONS of dollars stolen by Wall Street and the Bankster Gangsters be returned to the people. That ride probably would’ve been covered-that is, as they met a firing squad!!

      1. Actually it probably would not have been covered as it would be uncovering the deception.
        There was an instance where one guy made a post on whorebook about going to the ny federal reserve with as many people as possible in protest(flash mob) and the nypd placed officers at every 6ft or so around the building iirc. Did that get any msm coverage nope.
        The sad part is you see blatantly the government protecting the privately owned bank. Its to bad they didn’t shoot up the individuals inside like they enjoy doing to Americans but there is a problem…. I know a guy that worked for the fed in nyc and what their private security carry are full auto Kriss Vector’s dam effective weapons.

    2. I also agree henry
      there organizers weren’t thinking well…
      they could have had their rally
      on a different day to point out their statement….
      here where I live, bikers often go to support….such and such…when in fact they are providing cover….and I am not sure they are even aware of that…
      They like to think of themselves as being outside of the main stream and being in the know….their actions are a different story….seems to me

  2. Few actually cited the 9/11 false flag as motivation, but many bikers rode to protest State of the Union, i.e. Obama and Gun Rights. Unfortunately, the majority seemed to think they were showing up to protect us from Muslims…. Our immediate threat is Talmudic Law, not Sharia. A very difficult truth to convey when one is hidden from the majority and the other preached mainstream.

  3. Perhaps truth organizations should consider advertising in motorcycle mags and other publications these bikers read like tattoo and leather wear. Just a few hundred dollars for a small 2″ x 3″ box should get their attention and get them talking because they must pass the mags round and dozens if not hundreds of men will read one issue. Their activities in DC show they are a participating group and by next year you could have reached most of them.

  4. I am a motorcyclist, but emphatically not a “biker”. I have never had the slightest inclination to do a group ride of any kind. Comments above suggesting a campaign to wake bikers up are well-intentioned, but would probably have no effect on these people, who for the most part actively avoid any information which would be in conflict with their current world view. “Biking” for them is an escape, something they can enthusiastically participate in without having to think about uncomfortable truths like 9/11 being an inside job. “Everybody needs something to believe in. I believe I’ll have another beer.”

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