Palestinians burn Donald Trump pictures in Bethlehem Because of his support to Israel

PNN – by Munjed Jadou

A group of Palestinian activist in the city of Bethlehem in the west bank burned Friday 20/1/2017 pictures of the new US President Donald Trump in the first day of taking office because of his support to Israel especially his promises, to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which it has not implemented by any previous US administration.

The Palestinian activist Gathered at the northern entrance of Bethlehem city, where the apartheid wall which surrounded the Christian holy city to remained Trump and show him how much are the Palestinian people are suffering under the Israeli occupations as they said.

The activist  hung pictures of US President Donald Trump and wrote slogans rejects his promise to Israel to move the USA Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by saying:” move the embassy to own your country not ours”.

Mohammed al-Lahham member of the Revolutionary Council of Fatah and one of the people who participated in the march told Palestine News Net Work that this actions is to remand Trump that Jerusalem is an occupied city according to international  low and its Palestinian and Arabic city not American and without it they will be no solutions and his promises will destroy peace process in the  Middle east.

AL – Lahham added that this protest carries a letter to Trump that the Palestinian people and the Arab peoples and  all free peoples of the world will not accept moving of US embassy to Jerusalem because it constitutes a clear US administration bias in its brutal support for Israeli occupation that occupies Palestinian land.

AL – Lahham said also that the protest carries also massage to  Arab and Islamic street and all liberals of the world telling them that ther is need to move hard and solidarity with the Palestinian people in order to stop the move which is considered a pause against the rights of our people and its holy sites which is also belong for Arab, Islamic nation.

He end his talk saying that Trump is Supporting by his move Jewish Daesh noting that the state of occupation which calls for Jewish state is state not fully differentiated from the Islamic state organization in Syria and Iraq Daesh which calling for ideological identity noting that  the decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem undermines all lovers of justice, peace and freedom, and encouraging terror in the region.

Political activist Mahmoud Zawahra told PNN that burning US President Donald Trump pictures is a warning message to the new American administration not to manipulate with the feelings and rights of the Palestinians.

Zawahra added that the city of Jerusalem is a Muslim Christian Palestinian occupied city and was recognized by various US administrations which also refused to move the embassy to Jerusalem for tens of years.

Zawahra explained Trump Promises is full support for extremist Israeli occupation government , noting that the event is a warning message to the new US president that Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinians.

For his part, Munther Amira Chairman of the Higher Coordinating Committee Against the Wall and Israeli settlements in Palestinian land said, in an interview with Palestine News Network PNN that this event comes to confirm that the Palestinian people reject the racist policies and inhuman pursued by the new US president, which officially announced assuring that he will fulfill his promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Amira said that our people will fight by all means and at various political and diplomatic levels in cooperation with all the free world countres to keep Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

3 thoughts on “Palestinians burn Donald Trump pictures in Bethlehem Because of his support to Israel

  1. “Amira said that our people will fight by all means…”

    Rocks are a losing proposition.

    “… his promise to Israel to move the USA Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by saying:” move the embassy to own your country not ours”.

    It’s ALREADY in yours.

    Just in a different location.

    But I understand the sentiment behind that statement.

  2. I think we really need to look at the bright side of this Palestinian statement that was made.

    They could be burning a picture of Hillary Clinton.

    Thank ya…thank very much.
    Make sure tip your waitresses.


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