Pastor Diagnosed With Cancer: ‘No Compassion in the Affordable Care Act’

Weekly Standard

A pastor recently diagnosed with cancer, and who is covered under Obamacare, tells a local Iowa reporter that there’s “no compassion in the Affordable Care Act.”

“Back in January, Pastor Angran was diagnosed with stage three cancer of the esophagus. He had insurance, but because of a previous heart condition, it did not cover the treatments he needed for his cancer. He found that out just minutes before receiving life-saving chemo,” says the local reporter.

The pastor says, “One of the workers came and said let me talk to you. And so I went to talk to her. She says that we found out that your insurance does not include chemo.”

“Over the past two months, the Angrans have emptied their savings account and racked up $50,000 in debt. They signed up for the Affordable Care Act,” says the local reporter, “but found it to be anything but affordable. It will cost the couple more than $800 per month, money they just don’t have.”

The reporter adds, “As a pastor, Angran has devoted his life to helping others, to being compassionate. He says, ‘There’s no compassion in the Affordable Care Act.'”

2 thoughts on “Pastor Diagnosed With Cancer: ‘No Compassion in the Affordable Care Act’

  1. But I thought under Obamacare everything was supposed to be covered — does he get maternity and contraceptive care, for instance? I’m serious — I truly thought that all Obamacare plans had to be “good” plans and not those horrible plans that people had in the past that didn’t cover pre-existing conditions etc. So…. this isn’t quite making sense….

    or is it just uncovering another lie like “if you like your doctor, you get to keep your doctor?”

    I’d like to know if there are more stories like this — maybe so — we are still only a couple months into 2014, so maybe they are just starting to trickle in.

  2. I think it’s very interesting how 50% of the media covers Obamacare stories, and 1% of the population has Obamacare. That is a media failure, as usual. For example, NDAA affects 100% of Americans, not 1%. 911 inside job affects 100% of Americans.

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