Patriotic Philanthropist David Rubenstein Donates $10 Million to Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Breitbart – by Amy Furr

Billionaire David Rubenstein has donated $10 million to fund much-needed upgrades to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC.

“I’m pleased and honored to be able to help out in this relatively modest way,” Rubenstein said from the steps of the memorial on Tuesday afternoon, according to WAMU. 

Rubenstein continued:

While Thomas Jefferson is not without some things that we can question today, clearly he did some great things for our country, including being the author of the Declaration of Independence, creating the University of Virginia, and as president, he bought the land that we call the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of our country.

This week, the American history buff also published a book titled The American Story: Conversations With Master Historians, which contains interviews with well-known biographers.

On Wednesday, the National Park Foundation said in a press release that the donation “will dramatically improve the visitor experience at the Jefferson Memorial.”

The statement read:

The gift will fund a completely new and expanded state-of-the-art museum in the memorial, incorporating new designs with tactile and auditory elements and providing more perspectives as it shares Jefferson’s multi-faceted story. In addition, new exhibits will be designed with universal accessibility in mind.

Right now, the Park Service is performing an $8.75 million reconstruction project on the memorial to repair the internal roofing and remove a black biofilm consisting of fungi, algae, and bacteria, which started growing on the marble dome in 2010.

“It’s in desperate need of refreshing,” said Jeff Reinbold, who is the superintendent of the National Mall and Memorial Parks for the National Park Service.

He continued:

The American people are direct beneficiaries of David Rubenstein’s many acts of patriotic philanthropy. At the Jefferson Memorial, Mr. Rubenstein’s generous gift and patriotism will, once again, shine a light on the diverse stories of America’s past and demonstrate their continued relevance to our nation.

The memorial was built by architect John Russell Pope, whose work was influenced by Jefferson’s home of Monticello and the University of Virginia’s Rotunda. It was dedicated by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on April 13, 1943.

Reinbold said he hopes the upgrades will be completed in time for the memorial’s 80th anniversary in 2023.

8 thoughts on “Patriotic Philanthropist David Rubenstein Donates $10 Million to Thomas Jefferson Memorial

    1. People like professor Tony Martin have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the jews had a major role in the slave trade. So knowing this and reading this it really shows how truly rotten and subversive these people are. It’s like a compulsion for them to foment division and subvert reality.
      “I think it’s important to tell people the good and the bad of American history, not only the things that we might like to hear.” [31]
      (referring to his wanting to put a face on slavery using his donation to rebuild slave quarters at Monticello)

  1. Ha! Tax shelter is all this is. I am sure mr haaavard AND cfr member rubinstein actually gives a crap about anything other than his $ and his cult.

    1. excellent point. He probably gained his wealth by screwing the american people to begin with. Kbart doing what I’d expect from them since the publication was conceived in israel after all.

  2. “…he bought the land that we call the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of our country.”

    This land was stolen from the Native Americans that were here long before the Europeans and other invaders. It was the precursor to Palestine being invaded by Israel. I just love how the human race has the delusional belief that ever piece of land and sea belongs to them.

    It must be nice to have a few million to give out to charity.

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