Pelosi: GOP has ‘disrespect’ for women

The Hill – by Mike Lillis

Republicans in Congress have a general “disrespect” for women that’s reflected in their legislative agenda, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi charged Friday, adding that she applauds the prospect of America having its first female president.

The California Democrat said the GOP’s policy priorities — from reproductive health to the economy to the environment — are evidence they have little concern for the issues women care the most about.  

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“[It’s] disrespect,” Pelosi said in an interview with MSNBC’s Alex Wagner that aired Friday afternoon. “Whether it’s pay equity and raising the minimum wage, whether it’s paid sick leave, or whether it’s support for … child care in our country.”

Pelosi said she’s been warning for more than two decades that congressional Republicans are opposed not only to abortion, but to the notion of family planning.

“People didn’t really believe me until [2011] when Republicans took the majority [and] one of the first things they did was to say, ‘We’re going to shut down government rather than fund Planned Parenthood,’ ” she said. “They’ve told me over and over again that they’re not for family planning, domestically or internationally. It’s a stunning thing.”

She made the comments a week after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) conceded that Republicans need to work harder to cater to women, constituents and candidates alike.

“Some of our members just aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be,” Boehner told reporters last week in the Capitol.

His remarks coincided with reports that the National Republican Congressional Committee has been counseling Republican staffers on how to run more effective campaigns against female opponents.

12 thoughts on “Pelosi: GOP has ‘disrespect’ for women


    Might even feel a smidge of sympathy for you, B#TCH, if you could even be remotely classified as a woman.

    Do this country (and especially this state) a huge favor and just CROAK, you vile Zionist whore.

    1. I was just thinking the same thing. What is she worried about? She’s a man. Just look at her in that picture. lol

      How long has this bitch been senator anyways? Isn’t she past her number of term limits? It seems like this bitch has been senator ever since I got out of high school, which was like over 15 years ago. WTF? Maybe she was a Congresswoman or something before that. I don’t know. Kinda hard not to forget an ugly face like that.

      1. She’s not a senator, she is, and always has been, a congress woman. For far too long though, she needs to go away.

  2. I love Nancy.And Diane And Hillary.They are all shining examples of state hypocrisy.Who could do more for the world to see that their gender is being used to create division between people at the people’s expense?Nancy is to gender as war is to the terrorist.It serves the purpose of the male controlled elite.Let’s fight against each other while white males control the wars,the governments and the markets.I like women as well as men yet I question your motives.I am a white male and yet I feel that I have been exploited through women such as the Zionist controlled Nancy Pelosi as well as any government I was not born to serve.And none comes to mind.

  3. It’s disrespect….when psychopaths like Pelosi try to manufacture my reality through the use of murder, lies and deceit.

  4. Honestly it’s shameful how she attempts to speak loudly and carry a big dick but comes off as somewhat of an insignificant pussy,

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