Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming

Truthstream Media

Published on Oct 30, 2017

Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don’t even know what that is, but it’s happening all around us right now. This system is about technological evolution… evolving us


6 thoughts on “Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming

  1. Days of Noah, right? But don’t worry, the criminal psychos will find a way to screw this one up as well. And it will not be planet-wide either. Just the elites loving the sound of their voices…

    1. Here is why it won’t be planet-wide: there are still (thank God) a large number of people living in primitive settings (the Bushmen, the Amazonians, other jungle folks, primitive tribes in New Guinea and other south Pacific folks, other African tribes, other South and Central American tribes, etc), and we should all learn from them how to survive in the wild. Another reason is, as with the “Savage” guy in Brave New World, there will always be folks who will refuse to “give up themselves” to a false reality. And some of these may be sons and daughters of the criminal psycho elites.

      Unfortunately, TruthStream is right and most will give into it. But I know I won’t, even if it means giving up wi-fi and internet.

  2. Too many DO know (on one level or another), they merely choose to IGNORE it in the hope that it will go away on it’s own.

    Ostrich syndrome… my next younger brother has it (the rest of my family is totally t.v. ‘programmed’… HOPELESS).

    1. They ignore it because they believe they can’t live without it.

      Having a cell phone is nice, but I am never getting a cell phone, and no one is going to force me to–not even those SMS idiots thinking they need to send me a “code” by “text” to “secure” my whatever account.

      1. I think the main reason they ignore it is out of fear, DL.

        That’s one of the many ‘benefits’ (the NWO’s, not ours) of t.v. ‘programming’, imo.

  3. Even Obama was forced to renege on one of his bogus “connectivity” scams–in late 2016 he “passed a law” stating if you wanted to access your Social Security Account you had to have SSA send you a “pass code with text” to your cell phone. Well guess what…the “law” was never activated because of the still large number of old folks without cell phones with text capability, and folks without cell service anyway (such as myself) mostly in rural areas. So one can now contact SSA by landline phone and have them send the pass code by mail.

    Like I said, the elites will find a way to screw their “plans” up, somehow, 5G or no 5G. And then there is the possibility of EMP attack. Or a solar event–and we all know Who controls the sun now don’t we? (and it’s not the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” either!)

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