
“The same people who want to break up the Middle East into smaller and easier to bully countries also want to break up the European nation states which will be easier to bully when the Jews realize their dream of world domination. If such a dream is allowed to come true, will an independent Catalonia or an independent Flanders or an independent Scotland ever be able to resist to a nuclear-armed Jewish state? We have said many times before that the project of the EU is to destroy all the nation states of Europe, make them so small and unable to defend themselves so that they are easier to govern by one single authority based in Brussels. … Already Brussels is bypassing the official national authorities and dealing directly with the different regions as if the nation states do not exist… … Brussels has already fragmented all European countries in what they call the Euro-regions, Euro-regions which make no room whatsoever for nation states. We are not saying that the aspirations of the Spanish Catalans people are not genuine. We are saying that Judea Inc. is using these very sincere feelings of the Spanish Catalans to further their messianic plans, the very same way they used the sincere frustrations and feelings of the Arabs to engineer an ‘Arab Spring’ meant to deliver the Jewish Summer. Do not be fooled.”
— Mark Glenn

6 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. This issue is so mixed up. I feel like it epitomizes the “rock and hard place” syndrome. I mean for years we’ve heard, “Decentralize, get independent/self-determined. Now Glenn’s perspective finds weakness in that ’cause always lurking is Jewish rule ready to co-opt. And as usual, caught in the balance, good folks who just wanna live free. Talk about throwing one’s hands up in the air!


  2. “We are saying that Judea Inc. is using these very sincere feelings of the Spanish Catalans to further their messianic plans,…”

    I said the same thing in a comment yesterday.

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