Peter Doocy asks the question everyone’s been wondering: “If the Special Counsel says President Biden’s got significant limitations on his memory, then who is helping him run the country?”

5 thoughts on “Peter Doocy asks the question everyone’s been wondering: “If the Special Counsel says President Biden’s got significant limitations on his memory, then who is helping him run the country?”

  1. Better yet, WHY is he still President if he is incapable of doing his job!!??

    Oh of course we can’t ask that.


  2. The question itself is a set-up to get the robots to vote for Biden.

    Yeah, the economy is doing just great!! For the frikkin’ 1% that is.


  3. “Joe Biden has the single most Jewish government in American history, by a lot.”
    No wonder the US is being reduced to a 3rd world status. Make America the
    110th country to expel the parasite.

    1. He actually has Trump beat. Amazing. I didn’t think it was possible to beat Trumps Jewish cabinet when he was puppet in chief.

  4. No One , because we no longer need government , just too many people haven’t figured that out yet so they try to stay relevant as much as they can

    ad likely its Obamas 3rd term anyways

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