Philippines’ Duterte apologizes to Jewish community after Nazi remarks


Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte apologized “profoundly and deeply” to the Jewish community on Sunday, and said his references to the Holocaust while discussing his war on drugs were to hit back at critics who had likened him to Adolf Hitler.

Duterte said he recognized the comments made in the early hours of Friday had caused outrage among Jewish communities around the world, but he insisted his mention of the Nazi leader was to show how opponents had sought to portray him.  

“I would like to make it now, here and now, that there was never an intention on my part to derogate the memory of the six million Jews murdered,” he said in a speech at a festival carried live on television.

“The reference to me was, I was supposedly Hitler, who killed many people.”

He added: “I apologize profoundly and deeply to the Jewish community … it was never my intention, but the problem was I was criticized, using Hitler comparing to me.”

More than 3,100 people have been killed since Duterte took office three months ago and launched a promised drugs war that was the bedrock of his campaign for elections, which he won by a large margin.

Most of those killed so far have been drug users and pushers, with some deaths during shootouts in police operations and others the work of vigilantes, police say.

Duterte, 71, has been nicknamed “the Punisher” for his tough stance on crime. He said on Friday he had been portrayed by critics as being “a cousin of Hitler” and said he would “be happy to slaughter” three million Filipino drug users and peddlers.

The comments caused outrage, and follow other provocative public outbursts in the past few months.

Duterte’s narcotics crackdown has broad support among Filipinos fed up with drugs and crime, and he has lashed out at those who have challenged it, including U.S. President Barack Obama and U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon.

He had vented his frustration again on Sunday at human rights groups and what he called “stupid” lawyers of the European Union.

Duterte’s spokesman on Saturday said Duterte rejected the Hitler label and his remarks the previous day were an “oblique deflection” of him being portrayed as a mass murderer.

7 thoughts on “Philippines’ Duterte apologizes to Jewish community after Nazi remarks

  1. Jews. The eternal outraged “victims.
    They sure got this Phillipino guy to start a**-licking ASAP.
    Only ~2% of the population but they have so many Jew “organizations” that they have an “organization of the presidents of Jewish organizations.” The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
    Or TCoPoMAJO in acronym speak.
    Notice that doesn’t even include the Minor Jewish organizations. Shit. They probably have their own Conference of Presidents of Minor American Jewish Oganizations.

    “…their was never an intention on my part to derogate the memory of the six million Jews murdered.”
    “Because the number of Jews that died was way, way less than six million,” he was thinking while being forced to grovel and apologize.

  2. “I’m a joo. I demand an immediate apology for being born. Just look at poor, old me.” “Boo-hoo-hoo, we be exterminated in gas chambers never to be proved. We got sand kicked in our faces by those barbarous Arabs as they told us to get the F’ out of their sandbox.”

    Jews, the self-anointed victims of history, apparently got shafted at every turn in history. Yep, the wretched, crook-nosed joo, “cry me a river”. They’ve been so “holocausted”, it gets really old after awhile. You can play the victim card only so long, not through centuries of history and still have any credibility.

  3. “there was never an intention on my part to derogate the memory of the six million Jews murdered,”

    Everyone else back then, combined with the Filipinos drug users that die in my drug war, GOOD Riddance.

    Is that what you meant?

  4. If you are asking me, then that is not what I meant.
    I do not believe that there was an official policy to kill all of the Jews in Europe. There was a plan to place them in concentration camps or to deport them.
    For two reasons. First, to be used as prison labor towards the war effort. Second, because “all of Judea” declared war on Germany and started a boycott of all German made goods, and the stores that sold German goods, in 1936. Why would Germany let a domestic population that declared war against it (in 1936) to move about freely during a major military conflict.
    I believe many people of many ethnicities died in German controlled concentration camps during WWII. The reasons were disease, mainly typhus, and poor sanitation. And, towards late 1944 until wars end in 1945, the Western allies and Russia decimated nearly all of Germany via air power and mechanized armies. This resulted in starvation amongst the German population, including prisoners in concentration camps.
    I believe the documented number of Jewish deaths to be <~10% of the relentlessly repeated 6 million number.
    So. Jewish people were placed in concentration camps. There is no evidence of any official policy to exterminate Jews. Many died horrible, unfortunate deaths. The number of deaths is significantly less than 6 million by, at least, an order of magnitude.

    1. There have been many genocidal tyrants that killed many more people than allegedly died at the hands of the Germans during WWII.
      Read about the Holodomor (Terror/Famine/Genocide) in the Ukraine in 1932-1933. Otherwise known as “The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing of Europeans” by communist Bolshevik Russians.
      Total deaths estimated at 2.5 – 7.5 million people.
      All this before the Stalin purges estimated to have killed 10+million people with 10+million more sent to the gulags in the USSR. And that’s the lowest estimates I could find.
      Mao’s Cultural Revolution killed 30+ million people after the Communist takeover of China. Again, probably extremely low estimates.
      Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge killed over ¼ of the Cambodian population. About 1.7 to 2 million people from 1975 to 1979.

      I mention all of these examples of genocides by governments, primarily against their own people, in the 20th Century.
      Compared to the examples I have listed, it is blatantly obvious that Jews have NO special claim to victimhood.
      They were victims. Yes.
      But, compared to tens of millions of others, they do not seem to deserve special treatment or acknowledgement because of it.

  5. “Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte apologized “profoundly and deeply” to the Jewish community on Sunday, and said his references to the Holocaust while discussing his war on drugs were to hit back at critics who had likened him to Adolf Hitler.”

    Wow! The Jews must have gotten to him.

    ““I would like to make it now, here and now, that there was never an intention on my part to derogate the memory of the six million Jews murdered,” he said in a speech at a festival carried live on television.”

    Isn’t it amazing how he specifically mentions that “6 million” number, as though he was told to by the Jews when apologizing? I mean he could have mentioned anything about it, but he specifically chose that “6 million” number thing again. Tell me that wasn’t rigged.

    I guess he didn’t want his country ending up like Fukushima.

  6. Six million joos dead. Not enough, apparently. Joos, the festering boil on the ass of humanity, have wreaked havoc through centuries of war and famine, much of which they played a major hand in.

    “God’s Chosen”, chosen for what? And this six million bullshit number, I think I’ve heard it six million times. When does the shock and awe of this bullshit story end and truth be told? “Holocaust denier”, call me what you want, six million gassed, the logistics alone are impossible. “Let’s demonize those Nazi’s and portray ourselves as victims, yeah, that’s the ticket. We demonize our enemies and garner sympathy all with one play of the cards. Damn, we’re so smart and goyum are so stupid.”

    Excellent example of stupidity, the world’s on the edge of war but Kim Kardashian was robbed of her million dollar jewelry collection, call out NATO troops! Killing millions, poisoning the planet, that’s small fries, poor old Kim, boo hoo hoo.

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