The Debate – US Support for Israel

Published on Sep 26, 2016 by PressTV News Videos

Broadcast date: 9.26.2016

After months of accusations from a distance, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will confront each other face-to-face for the first time in Monday night’s presidential debate. And what has Trump done to gain votes? For starters, he has decided to woo Israel and its influence in US politics, by stating what has drawn the anger of Palestinians: stating that if he were to become President, he would recognize Jerusalem Al Quds as “Israel’s capital”.

The question is: is this a concerted effort to gain Israel’s support while making the already tense situation in the occupied Palestinian lands even more tense?

One thought on “The Debate – US Support for Israel

  1. I just love how the guy from Veteran’s Today has provided proof, quotes and evidence of the truth about Zionist Israel, while all Peterson can do is call him crazy, provide ZERO evidence to refute any statements that the guy from Veteran’s Today stated and dodges answering the questions that the moderator asks about Bennie Netanyanhu’s statements on bragging about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It’s hilarious. The dumbass looks like a Jew. Are they sure his name isn’t Petersonstein?

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