Philly Police: Row Over Man Sparks Rat Retaliation

Vile: Officers found basement windows and front door windows broken and a number of live rats (pictured) when they reached the scene on Wednesday nightABC News

Philadelphia police are looking for several suspects in what appears to be a case of rat retaliation.

Investigators said an ongoing dispute over a man escalated late Wednesday, when a woman in her 20s, her mother and a pack of eight or nine other women went to the victim’s house with a baseball bat and a box containing an unknown number of white rats.  

The group allegedly bashed in windows and the front door and then dumped the rodents into the home.

Police said one woman in the group also punched the 30-year-old victim and took her purse.

Authorities are trying to track down the suspects.

A family member of the victim was taken to the hospital amid the commotion to be checked out for a possible heart problem.

5 thoughts on “Philly Police: Row Over Man Sparks Rat Retaliation

  1. Good news here!!!!! Someone finally got what they deserve for being a RAT.

    Snitches get stitches, and this one got off easy, but it’s nice to see there’s finally some retaliation against these local spies who have a direct line to 9-1-1.

    1. Damn right JR, it has only just begone for paybacks to the rat snitches and cops – it has only just begun.
      Yes revenge is sweet it is. 🙂 🙂 😉

  2. sometimes its best not to state your intentions if you have been done wrong by someone, just take care of buiz when the smoke clears and no one but the person that did you wrong will know why they got , what they got

    1. correct Tom. Keep your mouth shut, and do what ya gotta do. Of course there will be times when you have to react immediately as well. It all depends on the circumstances.

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