Police break up ‘drug-fueled orgy’ at Masonic Lodge after finding women dancing naked on stage and men filming sex acts

Shocking: Police sources told WWMT-TV that officers found two people having sex and naked women dancing on stage at the Masonic LodgeDaily Mail

Police in Michigan have broken up a shocking ‘drug-fueled orgy’ being hosted at a secretive Masonic Lodge – and this wasn’t the first time it’s happened, authorities warn.

Officers were called to the prominent building in downtown Battle Creek, Michigan – which sits across a park from police headquarters – about 2.15am Sunday. They found five women dancing on stage naked.  

They also reportedly discovered a couple having sex in the lodge and several men standing around filming the action.

WWMT-TV reports that authorities believe the Masonic Lodge, which is home of the secret society called Freemasons, has been used for such activities before and are working to shut the operation down.

Police sources told WWMT that officers found a ‘drug-fueled sex party’ in the building and sent the revelers home.

The Battle Creek Freemasons refused to comment on camera for the TV station, but insisted that the orgy was not part of the secret society’s rituals. They said the party was not sponsored by their group at all.

Instead, they say, a party promoter paid $900 to rent the space for the night.

‘Charlie’ a Freemason spokesman, said the man renting the lodge told the Freemasons he would be hosting a dance party.

The Freemasons said they checked on the party about 1am on Sunday and found nothing suspicious.

The Freemasons are a secret society, though they claim their group had nothing to do with the party and that they only rent the space to a party promoterThe Freemasons are a secret society, though they claim their group had nothing to do with the party and that they only rent the space to a party promoter


However, when officers arrived a little more than an hour later, they found debauchery, police sources told WWMT.

City officials say they are considering fines and charges, both against the party promoters and the Freemasons who own the building.

The report from WWMT does not specify whether drugs were found or seized.

A summary of a police report printed in the Battle Creek Enquirer newspaper mentions only the naked women dancing on stage. Police said they told the women to dress and to leave the premises.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2408655/Police-break-drug-fueled-orgy-Masonic-Lodge-finding-women-dancing-naked-stage-men-filming-sex-acts.html#ixzz2dr8Ec4D5
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10 thoughts on “Police break up ‘drug-fueled orgy’ at Masonic Lodge after finding women dancing naked on stage and men filming sex acts

  1. Yea, right. I’m sure the Battle Creek Freemasons society had absolutely nothing to do with the party. They just needed to find a scapegoat. Like a party promoter. What a crock of shit. Arrest all these devil worshippers and put an end to their filth and corruption to our world.

  2. This article made me laugh. Not that I’m defending any freemasons…they can all go take a long step off a tall cliff as far as I’m concerned. I was laughing at the article itself…too contradictory.
    A “secretive Masonic lodge”??? Ummmm there’s nothing secretive about it. It’s right there in plain sight. Been there for years. I’ve personally walked past it. There is no mysterious invisibility shield hiding it.
    Now if there was a “drug fueled sex orgy” taking place and no arrests were made then wouldn’t that implicate the cops in a cover-up? Nothing to see here….just send everybody home…lol.

    1. Yes tammyc yes you did, thanks, it takes a lot to make me laugh. Remember a few months ago when we had our pissin` matches well I guess thoes matches were for a reason and now ya got me laughin`. Cool Tammyc. 🙂 Thanks tammyc. PS. Tammyc, I am a easy guy to get to know but a hard guy to understand 🙂 We are cool tammyc 🙂

  3. When did a party become an “operation”? Has even having fun been militarized? I noticed also that they never mentioned which drug/s were “fueling” this party. Perhaps because if you really want to get people down and dirty doing stupid things, there is no fuel better than alcohol.

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