Police brutality accuser caught on camera punching own face

UPI – by Ben Hooper

EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 18 (UPI) — Oregon authorities have released a video of a man who claimed to have been assaulted by detectives punching himself in the face in his jail cell.

The Lane County Sheriff’s Office said Aleksander Robin Tomas­zewski, 33, claimed to have been physically assaulted by detectives Jan. 9 while being questioned on charges of including stalking and first-degree sexual abuse, but deputies reviewed security tapes from the county jail and saw Tomaszewski repeatedly punch himself in the face to give himself black eyes.

Sgt. Carrie Carver, a sheriff’s office spokeswoman, said Tomas­zewski appeared to strike himself in the face 45 times in the four-minute video.

Tomas­zewski pleaded guilty to attempted coercion and filing a false report in connection with the incident. He was sentenced to 20 days in jail for each charge Feb. 10, but was released with credit for time served. He was also sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay $600 in fines.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2015/02/18/Police-brutality-accuser-caught-on-camera-punching-own-face/2841424275850/#ixzz3S7cvIygI

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