Police create new ‘domestic violence’ watch list which exempts officers


The American police state, is classifying alleged domestic violence offenders using a school grading system from A-D. ‘A’ being the most likely to re-offend and ‘D’ being the least likely to re-offend.

According to the Hollywood Police Department (HPD) their ‘Offender Focused Domestic Violence Initiative’ (OFDVI) program is the first of its kind in Florida.  

“Domestic incident offenders are classified based upon their predisposition for violence. The initial domestic-related incident, along with the totality of the offender’s criminal history sets the classification in which offenders are ranked. The classification for domestic offenders spans from placement on the A, B, C or D list. A large focus is placed on Class A-list offenders, who are the most violent offenders with the highest propensity for violence.”  (For more information about OFDVI click here.)

According to an article in the Miami Herald, the HPD recently sent ‘Domestic Violence’ letters to residents explaining how police are profiling everyone.

“The letter, signed by Sgt. Rhett Cady of Hollywood’s Domestic Violence Unit, explains that the city is “taking a new focused approach in preventing future acts of domestic violence” by adding names to a watch list for so-called “C list” offenders.”

“Your status as a ‘C’ list offender brings you closer to a possible prison sentence,” Cady wrote. A copy of the watch list obtained by Florida Bulldog contains 574 names.

Cops exempt from ‘Domestic Violence’ watch list

Public Defender Howard Finkelstein’s letter to the HPD warns, “it is very telling” that a Hollywood police officer arrested for domestic violence in December “was not placed on the watch list and not sent the target letter. This is either evidence of favoritism and a double standard, or it is a tacit acknowledgement that the letter threatens illegal police action that would be easily recognized by a trained law enforcement officer.’’

If you’re wondering how this could happen, look no further than the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

Last year, the Hollywood police posted a picture of Sgt. Rhett Cady  presenting their ‘Domestic Violence Initiative’ to the IACP.

image credit: Hollywood PD

According to the Miami Herald, police have been placing people on their ‘Domestic Violence’ watch list since 2015.

That means, police have been putting people on a watch list for two years!

If the INTERNATIONAL police chiefs association doesn’t see any problems with creating watch lists of citizens, things are about to get a lot worse.

Is our Constitution worthless?

Finklestein warns “Checking in on victims is a good idea.  Showing care and concern.  But using threats intimidation and physical force and or presence directed toward the presumed innocent arrestee is wrong and illegal…The road to constitutional hell is always paved with good intentions.”

Last year, I warned everyone that police are giving citizens ‘mental health’ assessments and ‘risk assessments, essentially creating watch lists of every American from kindergarten through college and beyond.

‘The land of the free’ is being turned into the land of the watch list.


One thought on “Police create new ‘domestic violence’ watch list which exempts officers

  1. “Is our Constitution worthless?”

    As a three dollar bill.

    Actually, ALL bills of any denomination are worthless, but that’s another story.

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