Police recklessly open fire on a car sitting at crowded DUI checkpoint in Brunswick County, NC

Published on Jun 17, 2013 by rambone5

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC — At an unconstitutional DUI checkpoint in North Carolina, police opened fire on a car in the direction of many innocent cars and oncoming traffic.


“Every cop turned around and started unloading like super trigger happy as if their training was coming into full effect and they were being able to utilize it,” said Cleerdin. “Everybody was just blasting this car to pieces. It was absolutely terrifying.”

“Cops are shooting from the front of the car, back into the rest of the on-coming traffic to the check point, into the rest of the innocent civilians down the road,” said Cleerdin.

“It was way beyond reckless,” said Cleerdin. “I couldn’t believe it. These are professional people, professional officers, and they’re training, they’re highly trained and they’re not supposed to do stuff like that.”

The suspects’ car allegedly was driven toward a police officer which caused every officer to open fire.



One thought on “Police recklessly open fire on a car sitting at crowded DUI checkpoint in Brunswick County, NC

  1. Imagine the populace opening fire on the ‘rothschild police’ – red shield -. Bloomberg (bloomingidiot) would not be happy.

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