Bloomberg bus to stop in N.H. after cops called on activists in Conn.

Bloomberg would need a bigger bus -- a fleet of them -- if he also wanted to include the names of people whose lives have been saved with a gun.Examiner – by David Codrea

Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns “No More Names” bus tour will make a stop tomorrow afternoon in Concord, N.H., a Members Notice on the New Hampshire House Calendar is announcing. The tour, which launched Friday in Newton, Conn., will visit 25 locations over the next 100 days, but organizers have not shared an itinerary, leaving the public to find out if it will visit their area via a last-minute zip code-based email notification system that can be signed up for on the group’s website.  

“Join New Hampshire citizens and gun violence prevention advocates on Tuesday, June 18 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for a rally as the national ‘No More Names’ bus tour stops in Concord at City Hall Plaza (Main Street in front of the State House),” Reps. Stephen J. Shurtleff and Deanna S. Rollo jointly announced on the House Calendar. “This event will remember the thousands of Americans killed by gun violence in the six months since the Sandy Hook tragedy and call for urgent action to reduce gun violence in our communities.

“To RSVP please contact Sheila Vargas Legislators or others who wish to participate in the reading of names of gun violence victims throughout the day should contact Sean Redding at or 603-225-2471,” the notice concludes.

With schedule information being parceled out like this, gun owners who wish to go show support for the right to keep and bear arms will need to scramble if any type of organized counter-protest is to occur. Such was not the case at the Newtown launch, where only two “pro-gun” activists showed up.

“So, we were blatantly open carrying in our retention holsters,” Jonathan at The Yankee Gunner blog reported. “Turns out, the Bloomberg folks called 911 on us … no biggie, we were in the right.”

His narrative is instructive, because it exposes the often-repeated and obvious falsehood that the MAIG group is only interested in going after “illegal guns.” According to this report, they saw lawful activity they do not approve of and still attempted to use armed authorities to put a stop to it, which means they’re not above using law enforcement to endanger peaceable citizens exercising freedoms they oppose.

Gun Rights Examiner is soliciting information from New Hampshire gun activists scrambling to organize an appropriate reception for the bus, and any relevant information and links can be posted below in comments. This column and/or its companion The War on Guns blog will also attempt provide updates on future tour stops, provided interested gun owners sign up for “No More Names” notifications and forward verifiable information to dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom.


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