This may be old news (about a month) but it is still worth posting. A poll was recently conducted by Public Policy Polling of Americans on the topic of conspiracy theories. The number really do not surprise me very much. If anything, it shows a few conspiracy theories are LESS popular than I might have expected. Then again, the numbers are still soberingly high.
Conspiracy Percent believing Number of Americans believing JFK was killed by conspiracy 51 percent 160,096,160 Bush intentionally misled on Iraq WMDs 44 percent 138,122,178 Global warming is a hoax 37 percent 116,148,195 Aliens exist 29 percent 91,035,072 New World Order 28 percent 87,895,931 Hussein was involved in 9/11 28 percent 87,895,931 A UFO crashed at Roswell 21 percent 65,921,948 Vaccines are linked to autism 20 percent 62,782,808 The government controls minds with TV 15 percent 47,087,106 Medical industry invents diseases 15 percent 47,087,106 CIA developed crack 14 percent 43,947,966 Bigfoot exists 14 percent 43,947,966 Obama is the Antichrist 13 percent 40,808,825 The government allowed 9/11 11 percent 34,530,544 Fluoride is dangerous 9 percent 28,252,264 The moon landing was faked 7 percent 21,973,983 Bin Laden is alive 6 percent 18,834,842 Airplane contrails are sinister chemicals 5 percent 15,695,702 McCartney died in 1966 5 percent 15,695,702 Lizard people control politics 4 percent 12,556,562
The margin of error of the poll is 2.8 percent. As with any poll, it’s important to remember that the margin of error may not reflect the true accuracy of the poll, as it can depend on factors like how careful the pollsters were in selecting an appropriate demographic cross-section of the US. It’s very easy to get skewed results with polling, because telephone surveys tend to get more responses from certain demographics, such as retirees, the unemployed and others who are more likely to be home and willing to answer questions. Still, the numbers certainly seem plausible and are in line with other polls that have been conducted.
Of course, one also wonders how many people might say yes to certain conspiracy theories while only harboring a slightly sarcastic belief in them. As with any such numbers, it’s hard to be sure who is a hard-core believer and who has only a passing belief. One can certainly hope that they might be lower.
You can read more about the poll here. According to Public Policy Polling, the total respondents were 1,247 all of whom were registered voters. That’s a reasonably good size sample. The questions were also direct and avoided bias. The figures also show the breakdown between Republican and Democratic-registered voters. As one might expect, Republicans tend to be more prone to believing things like Bin Laden is alive, while Democrats are far more likely to think Bush lied about WMD’s.
It’s not surprising that the Kennedy Assassination ranks at the top of the poll. If anything, it’s surprising it is not higher. The Kennedy Assassination has always fascinated me, because, despite being a relatively straight-forward shooting, it spawned the single most widespread and enduring conspiracy theory in the US. There are many reasons for this, including the efforts of those like Oliver Stone and the fact that the events were shocking and the guilt of Lee Harvey Oswald seemed so anti-climactic for such an event.
The Kennedy Assassination is unique in that the conspiracy theories have transcended the normal conspiracy theory subculture and become entirely mainstream. A large number of Americans did not accept the Warren Commission report as soon as it was published in 1964. That number continued to climb after a second investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations and with the production of numerous books and documentaries supporting conspiracy theories.
The most dangerous of all these conspiracy theories, however, is likely to be the 20% number for autism being connected to vaccines. This is directly responsible for a number of outbreaks in the US. Indeed, this belief is hardly just American. Fear of vaccines has become a major problem across the industrial world. It goes to show that more effort still needs to be mounted against these harmful myths.
One of the strangest things to note about this poll is that there is a small percentage of the respondents who believe that Barack Obama is the Antichrist but voted for him anyway. There are at least three explanations for this:
- They were simply not paying very much attention to the questions. This is common. Some of those polled just say yes or no without even really listening. Some (better) pollsters instruct their employees to either determine if the person is paying attention, by asking the same question, phrased differently, more than once, or by simply excusing those who are clearly not actually listening. This can help, but it also results in more calls being placed and thus more expense.
They may have changed their mind since voting, although this seems unlikely, as the election was only a few months before the poll and there has not been any major or unexpected policy change from the Obama administration.
- Finally, and most bizarrely, there are some Christian fundamentalists who would willingly vote for someone they believed to be the Antichrist. The reason for this is that they believe that the rise to power of the antichrist is a necessary event, which will precede the second coming of Christ and the end of days. Thus, the election of Barack Obama represents a step toward Armageddon, where Satan will make his last stand and be defeated.That might seem like a crazy reason to vote for someone, but I would not put it past some.
It would be interesting to see polls from other parts of the world and gauge how the US ranks compared to elsewhere. The United States is considered an especially fertile ground for conspiracy theories, yet they are certainly not uncommon elsewhere. The belief that vaccines cause autism, for example, has had a global impact.
For those interested in my own response:
Personally, there are only two questions that I *might* answer yes to. The question that “aliens exist” can mean one of two things. It could mean that extra terrestrial life exists somewhere in the vastness of the universe. I believe that the answer to that is most likely yes. However, in this context, I tend to think they are really looking for the belief of whether alien visitors have come to earth.
The second question is “Bush intentionally mislead on Iraq WMDs.” Again, the question has some room for interpretation. I do not believe that George W. Bush actually expected Iraq to have no stocks of chemical or biological weapons. We know Saddam Husein had them in the 1990’s, and given there was lack of good human intelligence, there was every reason to presume he probably still did. It also seems highly unlikely (or at least incredibly stupid) to lie about something like the presence of chemical weapons, knowing full well the lie would be found out, once the country was invaded and chemical weapons were not discovered.
On the other hand, the Bush administration clearly did try very hard to persuade the American people that Saddam Husein presented an imminent threat to the security of the US. There’s little evidence of this, and, even if he had chemical weapons, by 2003, his military had been decimated and the country was well contained, having not really threatened its neighbors in two decades. This itself, is not lying outright, but may qualify as “misleading” depending on how one defines it.
Thus, I would conclude that a reasonable person could answer this question either way.
The cia invented crack lol
They admit to it. Whats not to believe?
Was the gulf of tonkin staged? um…no?
Did hitler kill jews? YES of course he did. personaly
Did god invent bicycles? who?
I always like to say … “yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s front page news”. If ya look deep enough you’ll find some truth behind many, not all, but many of those up there on the list.
. . .
why do we allow them to get away with stigmatizing critical thinking and questioning as being “conspiracy theory” aka crazy?
the entire premises has got to change
This cia sponsored “poll’ is as real as the last 8 “shootings” + 1 “bombing.”
Grossly understated figure. Wayyyyyyyy over 51% KNEW JFK was killed by someone other the Oswald on 11/24/63, when Oswald was blown away on live TV, surrounded by cops in the basement of the Dallas PD. One hell of a LOT more than “11%” KNOW the government did 911. Try 71% +++.
This article is really a disinfo piece that wants ppl to believe that those who are awake, are in some kind of minority. Totally ludicrous.
I agree 100%. Smells like disinfo.
You r correct….it’s a trick question….so depending upon whether respondents caught the “sadaam” doublespeak. The conspiracy would be, “did the us govt engineer 911?” The ass backward ques. Supports the disinfo idea imo.
the thing is a about jfk is if you believe the warren commission you are saying one bullet can go through one man than another man and break his wrist and rib and land in his thigh in near perfect condition.
I just can’t buy that with a straight face. And add in the facts that they totally botched the actual investigation like losing the brain and putting someone in charge of the autopsy that has never done an autopsy and then he burns his notes. This was the president of the united states and he never got anything close to an actual murder investigation.
I just can’t buy those facts alone with a straight face.
It’s a freakin’ POLL people. We all know that POLLS are about as believeable as the Easter bunny.
So quit yer gripin’ already.
Consider it for entertainment purposes only.
Buahahaha!!!! There… I was Entertained!!! J/k
You posit that 90-95% vaccine use is too low and is responsible for “outbreaks” of some (probably not) dangerous disease in the U.S.! LOL! Okay. I’d like to see your data. “Herd immunity” and vaccines themselves are the epitome of junk science. Have an enlightened day.
Similar to Saddam being contained, so too was Japan in the final months of WWII. They were “done”. Yet, we wanted to use the atomic bombs to let the world we knew we had them, and at the same time gain some useful scientific knowledge on their effects on humans. I don’t recall there ever being any more of a fuss made over this than invading Iraq on false premesis.
An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.
That’s what the word actually means, if anyone’s interested.
I personally believe that there is an ongoing ‘conspiracy’ in effect by the media to dumb down the American people to the point that they no longer have the intellectual capacity to see that persons in positions of power in this country are constantly “engaging jointly in unlawful or criminal acts” against them.
U.S. President Barack Obama gives the commencement address to the graduating class of The Ohio State University at Ohio Stadium on May 5, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can’t be trusted.”