Portland Anarchists’ Smashy Smashy Time!

Published on Mar 19, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

Windows smashed out, garbage dumped in streets, public transportation blocked, and attempts to shut down the free press were all part of the “March Against Police Brutality” in Southeast Portland, March 15h, 2014, as several black bloc anarcho collectivists took the streets to, uhh, well, I’m still not quite sure what their motives were.

Sent to us by LaughingAtLiberals

4 thoughts on “Portland Anarchists’ Smashy Smashy Time!

  1. Anarchists my back side. these guys are just a bunch of vandal trouble makers seems to me.
    They are bitchin about the police then why don`t they go straight to the police dept. and start smashing the windows there and maybe overturning the squad cars – ya know put the cops in the hospitals if they want to do something.. Maybe put the fear of god in the cops instead of acting like a bunch of imature vandalizing teenagers tipping over garbage cans and such.
    Just my opionion ya know.

    1. The first group were provocateurs and the second the real protestors following behind cleaning up the damage they were doing. Maybe they were cops or representing them to cause trouble and make the protestors appear just as you saw them. Look again first groups knocks over garbage cans, second group picks them up and cleans up the ground around them.

      1. That is the first thing that I noticed. The first group is just a bunch of trouble makin` vandals I think and I also think the second group that is cleaning up is actually working with the first group as support for the first group.
        If this was to happen where I am from the cops would have been there in no time at all arresting people. when they broke the windows out at the probation parole building.
        I wonder where the cops are.
        Naw, I do not think the second group was the cops cleaning up at all.

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