PRESIDENT ‘GUN-CONTROL’ OBAMA: Calls For MORE Gun Control After Shooting In Gun FREE Zone

Clash Daily

Obama hasn’t even waited for the suspects in the San Bernardino shooting to be detained and has already started pushing his gun control agenda.

As law enforcement continued to work to clear the site of a the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Barack Obama demanded Congress take action on stricter gun laws.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world, and there’s some steps we could take, not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently,” Obama told CBS News Wednesday after the shooting.

“What we do know is, is that there are steps we can take to make Americans safer and that we should come together in a bipartisan basis at every level of government to make these rare as opposed to normal,” Obama said. “We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events, because it doesn’t happen with the same frequency in other countries.”

Read more: The Blaze

14 thoughts on “PRESIDENT ‘GUN-CONTROL’ OBAMA: Calls For MORE Gun Control After Shooting In Gun FREE Zone

  1. Everyone knows they can’t let a good crisis go to waste. Whether it’s a real or staged event doesn’t even matter, the result will be the same, gun control and after that, domination. There are many around the country with guns true, but are people really going to resist if an outright ban and confiscation is enacted? How? People are spread so thin in this vast country and the big populations seem to be neutered already and I doubt if they would actually do anything more than simply give in to spare the trouble. Some of us have proposed that we need to band together and form pockets of like minded individuals. But this was mocked. This is what many so called “men” are made of, saying we need to kick ass here, there and everywhere else but I think when push comes to shove they’ll be a bunch of keyboard warriors. We see the threat, we know who they are and what they want. I have said that with all these mass shootings this will be the inevitable outcome. We all know it. And I think it’s going to go into effect really soon. So I, jamal, am saying it now for all trenchers to know, I plan on keeping my promise to stand in defense of the Bill Of Rights whether I’m left alone to the task or others stand with me. But I will stand. I don’t know anyone here personally, but I would love to. I believe meetings are in order. Am I off on this or does anyone out there think I have a valid point?

    1. I agree with you 100%. Should it become necessary to defend against dissident purges, gun confiscation, or other such intolerable crimes against humanity, those who resist alone will almost certainly die quickly. Yes, they may do damage on the way out. That would be acceptable, but hardly ideal. Each of us who believes in human rights and liberty MUST be fully prepared to die in their defense, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to survive. We’re all much more valuable alive than dead.

      It’s critically important to join with others. Doing so on the Internet, however, is very risky. It’s much better to try to join with people you know well in MeatSpace: family, friends, and others of known background. If that doesn’t provide much manpower, the Internet is an option, but people met on the Internet should be THOROUGHLY vetted. Become genuine friends first: go to bars and movies, hang out at each other’s houses, etc. Only then, after getting to know each other’s backgrounds, family members, and so forth, should you begin making “what if” plans for the future. There’s no need to engage in any illegal activity during any of this, as you’re only making contingency plans.

      1. Absolutely right, I’m very well aware not everyone can or should be trusted. I’m not proposing anything illegal, trust me I know that does no good when you’re trying to do the right thing as it only makes you the bad guy.

        1. Actually, breaking the law is fine in principle as long as you’re not harming innocents or their property. Unjust laws were made to be violated. 😀 I’m just saying that it’s good to avoid that sort of thing when dealing with people met on the Internet or who are otherwise of unknown trustworthiness. Trust can be established slowly as friendship develops over years.

          In the meantime, contingency plans can be made: “What does our group do if X happens? How about Y? Where will we meet?” That sort if thing.

      2. Im ready to meet my maker, ill be damned if im going to get rounded up and taken anywhere, dont really care, i will take as many as i can with me,

  2. we all know this thing is milked for every ounce of sheeple compliance.

    just here to post the comment heard on the a.m. radio during my long ride home… the eff bee eye spokesperson suggested this might expand into an interstate or international search for the assailants and suggested that people would gladly comply to more searches and and such, he even stated verbatim “you would say to heck with my civil liberties, go get these guys”.

    i yelled at my radio to shut the f@#k up.

    it was the fox snooze national channel btw, for reference, i know everyone heard it who was listening.

    1. “you would say to heck with my civil liberties, go get these guys”

      I’m not sure whom the “you” in that statement is supposed to refer to, but it sure isn’t me. That FBI twat can give up his civil liberties if he wants to, but I’ll keep mine until my dying breath.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    I went On-Air not even a full three weeks ago, placing my credibility completely on the line, that it was a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAINTY, that a MASSIVE False-Flag is coming, that it would involve the use of firearms, it would target a “special” group of people and we are suppose to find that morally reprehensible, and that it would be on theater scale exceeding any done to date (except 9/11), and that this was not a “probable event”,.. but an absolute 100% guranteed event to occur,… as they MUST disarm Americans,…. NOW!

    Viola,.. we are here already.

    Remember the three phases of Forensics Investigation:

    Phase 1: The Pre-Event Phase (where all the planning, logistics, legal manauvering, and asset distrubution occurs)

    Phase 2: The Event Phase – In this case,… the theater of a mass killing.

    Phase 3:The Post-Event Phase – In this case,… the multi-objective political agenda will surface over the course of hours, days, weeks, and even months.

    The prime objective of this theater is to create the context for disarming Americans.

    What we will see in the coming days, is the POS Sotoro (CIA Bitch Name: Obama), take to the stage, and declare his deep sorrow, and frustration over not having changed the gun laws since Newtown, and that a “different” approach is clearly needed so as to “never allow this kind of tragedy to occur again!”.

    Enter, stage left,…. Executive Orders, Congressional law push, and the “necessity”,.. to uphold and enforce “International Laws” on gun ownership (which means disarm you!),… and how anyone who opposes this, is an extremist.

    Yes,… there are a thousand different ways for this to unfold,… but there is only ONE prime objective here,… Disarmament of the American people.

    These SOB zionist-jew communists are desperate,… and are “all-in”,.. and will NOT ease up on this push,…. nor back down from any push back.

    I suspect there will be additional events to support the urgency to disarm people, as the commies are quickly running out of time,.. and the REAL Americans,.. are running out of patience.

    Dead ahead,… death, destruction, bloodshed, and chaos the likes of which have not been seen since the Civil War.

    Get your mind right,… discuss this with friends and family,… understand our priority is the need to dislodge these zionist-scum-jew traitors and the communists that have destroyed this country,.. so we can reclaim our land, our rights, and start the rebuilding process and give our posterity something worth living for.

    Good luck my fellow patriots,… this can drag on for years more,… or turn into a shit fight by morning.

    Stay frosty, watch your 6, and be ready.

    Your Brother In Arms – JD – US Marines – Fighting For MY Country! Oh-Rah!!


  4. I just went to looked at my 9MM in the drawer. It was right where I left it the other day. It had not gone out and shot anyone.

  5. Just let me know when the Revolution that Berry O Tool is pushing for starts , so I can be sure to do my part , because that’s when the cleansing of that cesspool will begin and I don’t want to miss it for the world

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