Police Chase Of Black SUV In San Bernardino Ends In Shootout

LAist – by Jean Trinh

A police chase ended in a shootout this afternoon in San Bernardino, just hours after a mass shooting at the nearby Inland Regional Center.

The SWAT team was called in after police began pursuing a black SUV shortly before 3 p.m. The chase ended in a shootout, and news helicopters showed a bullet-ridden black SUV surrounded by armored SWAT cars in the 1700 block of San Bernardino Avenue. The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department said one suspect was down, and that it’s not clear if this was related to today’s shooting at Inland Regional Center that left at least 14 people dead and 17 people injured:

However, police believe the events are connected, according to Fox 11’s Gigi Graciette.

Graciette reports that there were two suspects in the SUV, and one man with an AR strapped to his chest in the SUV is alive.

Here are photos of the standoff and the black SUV:



The scene of the shootout with San Bernardino police (Screengrab via ABC 7)


18 thoughts on “Police Chase Of Black SUV In San Bernardino Ends In Shootout

  1. Apparently La1st correspondent Gadi Schwartz has audio available from Dec 3, 2015.

    Now THAT’S first! Someone screen shot please!!!!???

    1. Never mind, she “fixed” her twatter account and lives in the present now. Hope someone got it. If no one here did, I am going to have to contact nsa/fbi and see if they can dig it up for me.

  2. SB County Sheriff:
    “There is an active scene unfolding in San Bernardino. Preliminary info is a suspect is down, officers are ok. Not confirmed if related.”

    Watch this story completely disappear from the news. It looks like they accidentally caught one of the shooters that was supposed to escape.

  3. And only AUDIO? For F’s sake. Really? Who as a witness, as stated, would only record audio, and from WHERE in that pic? And the helicopter only has hi-def stills available in 2015…

  4. “The chase ended in a shootout, and news helicopters showed a bullet-ridden black SUV surrounded by armored SWAT cars…”

    There HAD to be damn near as many ‘news’ copters in the area as pig ones.

    How the hell did they NOT get the entire ‘shootout’
    on video – even if from a distance.

    They still have telescopic lenses, don’t they?

    1. Too “sensitive” for public consumption. “The children, oh, oh, the poor children might be upset if they see these videos.” “OK Billy, go play Sniper III on X-Box.”

        1. I know dhs around here does! GD brown shirt gestapo commies. Patrol the PA Turnpike because the Lehigh tunnel. Oh yeah, THERE’S a high priority target for a “terror” attack!


  5. If this was the scene of a person shot dead, why is there no blood on the ground? It takes little $$ and effort to shoot up a confiscated vehicle and hide the particulars.
    I cry Shennanigans!

  6. So the shooting was at 11:00 am, and the said SUV was only 2 to 3 miles away just before 3:00 pm? Were they shopping, or checking real estate? That’s four extra hours of something stinks!

  7. Those MRAP must have some serious horsepower under the hood to be able to chase down that SUV. Where are the police cruisers?

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