Previously Deported Human Trafficker Sends Border Patrol Agent to Hospital in Vicious Attack

CBP Border Patrol agent does a pat down of a Mexican being returned to Mexico.Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas – A previously deported human trafficker has been arrested for assaulting a U.S. Border Patrol Agent biting him numerous times during the struggle.

The assault took place in a brushy area near the Sarita checkpoint when agents saw a group of illegal aliens try to go around the checkpoint, information released to Breitbart Texas by U.S. Border Patrol revealed.  

The agents approached the suspect and one of them who was identified as the guide assaulted an agent, biting him numerous times before the agent was able to subdue and arrest him. After the attack, the agent was taken to a local hospital where his bite wounds were treated. He was later released from medical care.

The human trafficker is an illegal alien from Mexico who had been deported previously, the information provided by the U.S. Border Patrol revealed.

“The continued vigilance and dedication exhibited by our agents has caused criminal organizations to be less effective and oftentimes resort to violence, Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Kevin Oaks said in a prepared statement provided to Breitbart Texas. “The levels of frustration are apparent in the actions taken in order to avoid apprehension. Our agents will continue to defend our homeland fully recognizing the potential for danger as they continue to execute their sworn duty.”


2 thoughts on “Previously Deported Human Trafficker Sends Border Patrol Agent to Hospital in Vicious Attack

  1. “… arrested for assaulting a U.S. Border Patrol Agent biting him numerous times during the struggle.”

    Tyson Syndrome?

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