Prof who blamed Jews for 9/11 suspended from job

New York Post

The controversial professor at ultra-liberal Oberlin College who sparked a national outcry after posting anti-Semitic rants and bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories has been booted from the classroom, the school said Wednesday.

Joy Karega, an associate professor of rhetoric and composition, was put on paid leave while prestigious Oberlin College considers her future, according to a statement from university president Martin Krislov obtained by The Post.  

joykaregaSchool administrators had reluctantly backed Karega, citing academic freedom concerns, when her conspiratorial, anti-Semitic social media rants were first reported.

“I am committed to continuing and completing an equitable review process,” Krislov wrote in an email to students, staff and alumni.

“While the process is pending, Professor Karega is on paid leave and will not be teaching at Oberlin. Arrangements are being made to cover her teaching and advising responsibilities.”

“In recognition of the sensitivity of this continuing review process and the privacy of the individuals involved, we will have no other comment until the conclusion of the process,” Krislov said.

Karega has made a string of weird claims on her social media, such as:

  • Last year, she posted a video of Louis Farrakhan explaining how Israeli forces rigged the Twin Towers with explosives which really brought down buildings. Karega wrote: “Farrakhan is truth-telling in this video.”
  • ISIS is a CIA and Mossad creation so “Israeli and Zionists Jews” could carry out new 9/11-style attacks.
  • Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Karega said the killings were secretly planned by Jews as punishment against France for being too supportive of Palestinians. “This ain’t even hard. They unleashed Mossad in France and it’s clear why.”

12 thoughts on “Prof who blamed Jews for 9/11 suspended from job

  1. If there were a real process of discovery regarding this, open-air meetings would be held, where ALL relevant evidence would be presented to the board of inquiry. Since the Zionists control academia, it is obvious that such proceedings would NEVER be allowed to see the light of day. In my opinion, Farrakhan is a loon, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Farrakhan’s tribe (if he wasn’t already shown to be an co-intel operative) should make this a campaign of great importance (black professors matter?) and force the issue to the front of everyone’s attention.

      1. Kind of….. Broken and loon can be used interchangeably when discussing Farrakhan’s thought processes.

  2. curious how the mccarthyites are everywhere including places where you’re supposed to be able to explore and discuss.
    an academic is attacked for not being politically correct for something the majority of Americans and citizens worldwide are aware of.
    9/11 was certainly an inside job using controlled demo.

    its like we now hear hillaries emails were hacked by those nasty Russians, ignoring comments from inside the NSA that they were the source.

    trump is where he is because the vast majority of thinking people in this country are fed up with the lies and not because they think he will do magic.

    1. “trump is where he is because the vast majority of thinking people in this country are fed up with the lies…”

      Mentioning Chump and thinking people in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

  3. “Karega has made a string of weird claims on her social media, such as:

    The absolute TRUTH???

    About the level propaganda & lies I’ve come to expect from the jew York Posterior.

  4. “Karega has made a string of weird claims on her social media, such as:”

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ROLMFAO!! A “string of weird claims” as if saying the Jews are to blame is so weird and abnormal.


    But what do you expect coming from the “Jew York Post”?

  5. So let me get this straight. A black woman says that the Jews did 9/11 and that’s Anti-Semitic or racist. So if she’s black, how does that work? Can she still be racist?

    So is “Anti-Semitism” the only thing they can do to spin this case since they can’t really play the race card on this one?

    The Jews always find a way of making themselves “higher” than everyone else no matter what. After all, they are the “Supreme Race” and we are just “goyim”.

  6. Academia cannot tolerate a truth-teller in its midst.
    Academia cannot tolerate an independent thinker in its ranks.
    Academia is dedicated to maintaining the lies put forth by the Deep State.

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