Professor Tells Gun Grabbers To Arm Themselves And Storm NRA HQ

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Gun Control supporters, and the Left in general, like to portray themselves as loving peaceniks who only want to make America safe. They say that if only the American public was willing to be disarmed, we could reduce crime and eliminate mass shootings. However, gun control is an inherently authoritarian policy, and deep down, the most radical gun control proponents are anything but peaceful.

For instance, take Professor James Pearce of Southern State Community College (SSCC) in Ohio. He recently told his followers on Facebook that the only way to stop the NRA’s influence, is for liberals to arm themselves, storm the NRA’s headquarters in Virginia, and kill everyone.  

“Look, there’s only one solution.” he wrote “A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors. This action might also require coordinated hits at remote sites, like Washington lobbyists. Then and only then will we see some legislative action on assault weapons. Have a nice day.”

Hopefully he wasn’t referring to that limp-wristed journalist who got PTSDfrom firing an AR-15. Somehow I don’t think that a mob of gun grabbers like him would last very long in a frontal assault against the NRA’s headquarters.

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Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.

Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personalTwitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .

10 thoughts on “Professor Tells Gun Grabbers To Arm Themselves And Storm NRA HQ

  1. That’s funny. Just shoot everyone to end the phony mass shooting problem.

    Go ahead, bone-heads; attack the NRA. They’re on your side, and don’t really care if they all get shot, but it’s not going to do anything to disarm real Americans.

  2. So according to your logic (very much Communist logic from what I can tell), the ones who don’t want us to have guns must arm up in order to kill the ones who do have guns.

    Wow…..that’s like saying, “In order to stop cheating, we must cheat ourselves.”


    1. “To argue with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. The will knock over all the pieces and strut around like they won.”

      unsure of sure of source

  3. “A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors.”

    Them commies keep forgetting that you first have to disarm the population and illegally keep the arms yourself for that to work. Beside that, what do they think, that law-abiding citizens are going to roll over and fade away in darkness because the commies claim they should?

    I wonder what would happen if the NRA issued a statement to its members of not really caring whether this man is alive or dead, based of his Anti-American, Anti-Constitution and Anti-Bill of Rights Activities.

    He calls for killing in spite of Right to life. Stripping without procedure a Right from the Bill of Rights, Killing people American Citizens just for the reason of believing something else (And lawfull).

    Not to mention influencing government policy via the means of threatening violence on the population.. IOW Terrorism.

    When the shit hits the fan, this man probably wil hide in his heavenly gun free zone.

      1. Never underestimate the enemy!

        The Former Soviet Union might have collapsed, but they (The Commie Leadership.) for sure gave the USA a hell of a time. Not to bad for people that don’t think.

  4. WANTED:
    Dead or Alive
    James “Commie” Pearce
    The Professor
    Wanted for:
    Terrorism, Incitement of Terrorism, Communism, Perpetuation of Communism, Fascism, Subversion, Abrogation of Law, Suspected Faggotry, Douchebaggery and Whatever the Hell Else I Can Think Of.
    10,000 Gold Pieces. (As soon as we repatriate our gold from the Treasury Dept.)

  5. I really think you people are missing the marketing aspect of this.
    We could setup a bunch of livefeed cameras at the NRA.
    Then make a reality show out of it.
    Kind of like Pdiddy in making the band or the Apprentice.
    We could even call it the new Survivor spin off.
    “Surviving the NRA”.
    I really see some marketing value here.
    Like Bill Hicks said…
    If UR in the marketing industry ..
    Just kill yourselves.
    No… this isn’t a fkng joke.
    Just kill yourself.
    Might.. I suggest….
    Shooting yourself in the back of the head with a nail gun.
    Like some of those strange banker deaths.

  6. Blacklist the Degrees from these colleges.
    Spread the Blacklist.
    A DISASTER to have these people working in your .org

  7. “He recently told his followers on Facebook that the only way to stop the NRA’s influence, is for liberals to arm themselves, storm the NRA’s headquarters in Virginia, and kill everyone.”

    Right idea, wrong location. I think I can fix it so it makes sense, though.

    “He recently told his followers on Facebook that the only way to stop the NWO’s influence, is for liberals to arm themselves, storm the Capital building in D.C., and kill everyone.”

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