Propaganda: 80% of firearms deaths in developed world happen in US – study


Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by a gun compared to people living in other developed nations around the world. This is according to a new study highlighting the “US has an enormous firearm problem.”

The alarming statistics were published in The American Journal of Medicine, as part of a study carried out by researchers from the University of Nevada-Reno and the Harvard School of Public Health. The report was aiming to put America’s relationship with firearms into perspective.  

However, one thing was immediately clear: “The United States has an enormous firearm problem compared with other high-income countries. Americans are 10 times more likely to die as a result of a firearm compared with residents of these other high-income countries,” the study, under taken by Erin Grinshteyn and David Hemenway, stated.

The researchers took data, collected by the World Health Organization in 2010, to compare the US to equally developed countries around the world, such as the UK, Japan and France. The findings proved to be an eye-opener and showed that the US suffers much higher rates of deadly violence, attributable to the considerably higher rate of gun-related murders.

“Overall, our results show that the United States, which has the most firearms per capita in the world, suffers disproportionately from firearms compared with other high-income countries. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that our firearms are killing us rather than protecting us,” said Grinshteyn, an assistant professor from the University of Nevada-Reno.

Taking into account all deaths caused by firearms in developed countries, the researchers were able to determine that more than 80 percent took place in the US, despite the country having only half the population of the other 22 highly developed nations in the study.

The paper also believes US gun culture isn’t helping matters, with citizens more inclined to resolve a problem or a threat through the use of firearms, rather than alternative options such as calling the police.

“Studies have suggested that the non-gun homicide rate in the United States may be high because the gun homicide rate is high. For example, offenders take into account the threat posed by their adversaries. Individuals are more likely to have lethal intent if they anticipate that their adversaries will be armed,” Grinshteyn added.

The study found an alarming development in cause of death among Americans aged between 15 and 34. Investigators determined that homicide was the second leading cause of death amongst Americans aged from 15 to 24, and the third in the 25 to 34 age range.

When compared to the rest of the developed nations in the study, the researchers found Americans aged 15-24 were an astounding 49 times more likely to die as the result of a firearms homicide, while for those aged between 25 to 34 the figure is 32 times higher.

The prevalence of guns in the US also has a knock-on effect on how people in the US commit suicide. Despite having similar suicide rates to the rest of the developed world, American’s are eight times more likely to end their lives with a gun.

“Differences in overall suicide rates across cities, states, and regions in the United States are best explained not by differences in mental health, suicide ideation, or even suicide attempts, but by availability of firearms,” said Hemenway, a professor at Harvard School of Public Health, as cited by Science Daily.

“Many suicides are impulsive, and the urge to die fades away. Firearms are a swift and lethal method of suicide with a high case fatality rate.”

17 thoughts on “Propaganda: 80% of firearms deaths in developed world happen in US – study

  1. Last Wednesday (1/27/16) on the way back from work, the Chicago County, MN Sheriff’s Dept had their ‘SWAT Armored Vehicle’ (old Air Force slab-side Power Wagon) out, along with almost all their other vehicles, pre-loading them. Pine County SD also had their vehicles (AF Dodge and MRAP) at their lot.

    Around midnight, a coworker got the proverbial Midnight Call from a relative, saying 400 of the 1200 National Guard troops from the Duluth area were loading up on 6×6 transports and Humvees, which had been low-boyed and FLOWN on C-130s and C-141s in the previous two weeks. They were convoying down to the Twin Cities-area, and hauling all their gear (maintenance, water-bo’s, supply trucks etc.) and they all had 3 1/2 years or more in. Asked his CO how long, was told “Until we’re done.”

    Co-worker on Thursday asked Pine Co. Sheriff why the armor was out, was told “Nat’l Guard asked the SD’s to get ready to provide backup support” for the duration of the Superbowl timeframe.

    Overflights of East-Central Minnesota by Blackhawks, C-130s (usually tandem flights, typically at dusk) and even Chinooks have been ramping up all summer and fall, the past week becoming very frequent (sometimes every 4 hours.

    No corroboration, just what is happening in Communisota.

  2. Don’t know if this will post, or if anyone will GAF.

    Last Wednesday (1/27/16) on the way back from work, the Chicago County, MN Sheriff’s Dept had their ‘SWAT Armored Vehicle’ (old Air Force slab-side Power Wagon) out, along with almost all their other vehicles, pre-loading them. Pine County SD also had their vehicles (AF Dodge and MRAP) at their lot.

    Around midnight, a coworker got the proverbial Midnight Call from a relative, saying 400 of the 1200 National Guard troops from the Duluth area were loading up on 6×6 transports and Humvees, which had been low-boyed and FLOWN on C-130s and C-141s in the previous two weeks. They were convoying down to the Twin Cities-area, and hauling all their gear (maintenance, water-bo’s, supply trucks etc.) and they all had 3 1/2 years or more in. Asked his CO how long, was told “Until we’re done.”

    Co-worker on Thursday asked Pine Co. Sheriff why the armor was out, was told “Nat’l Guard asked the SD’s to get ready to provide backup support” for the duration of the Superbowl timeframe.

    Overflights of East-Central Minnesota by Blackhawks, C-130s (usually tandem flights, typically at dusk) and even Chinooks have been ramping up all summer and fall, the past week becoming very frequent (sometimes every 4 hours.

    No corroboration, just what is happening in Communisota.

  3. Bullshit.
    the “US has an enormous firearm problem.”…
    sure does….they’re trying to take away your guns so you can’t protect yourself.

    according to a new study, with un-named studiers… paid shills??

    …The alarming statistics were published in The American Journal of Medicine….
    well of course, anyone can get published in The American Journal of Medicine if you send your paper to the the right people…. they have admitted MOST of the info in the The American Journal of Medicine is false… research it.

    If you get an independent study done legitimately, I bet MOST gun deaths are cops killing citizens… or damn close to it.

    I base my OPINION on the fact that I read the un-adulterated news daily.

  4. VEILED THREAT…….”The paper also believes US gun culture isn’t helping matters, with citizens more inclined to resolve a problem or a threat through the use of firearms”. HOW ELSE WOULD YOU “RESOLVE A THREAT?”

    1. I guess we’re supposed to piss ourselves, curl up into a ball and suck our thumbs til somebody with a gun shows up to help us. I think that’s what they’re trying to say.

  5. It’s a well known fact that 80% of the horsesh!t that propagates in the developed world comes out of the mouths of communists. (The other 20% coming from actual horses.)

  6. Thousands shot monthly in Japan by the YAKUZA, Even more in Russia by the Russian mob. Middle East, forgetta bout it. Africa is like a friggen shooting range .

    This article is pig slop times thousand.

  7. Close to 80% of the “developed world” people are disallowed from having guns.

    Fine way to present data for with a false pretense.

    Tyranny Abounds

  8. “This is according to a new study highlighting the “US has an enormous firearm problem.”


    It has an enormous PROPAGANDA problem.

    The REAL problem is not enough AWAKE people who know exactly who they’re going to need those firearms for.

  9. Short response: Jew Grinshteyn and the other authors can shove their garbage study up their a$$es.

    Long response:

    About two-thirds of gun-related deaths in the US are suicides. These shouldn’t be counted in “gun violence” statistics.

    *** The prevalence of guns in the US also has a knock-on effect on how people in the US commit suicide. Despite having similar suicide rates to the rest of the developed world, Americans are eight times more likely to end their lives with a gun. ***

    Who cares about the method used for suicide? Why is it any more regrettable for someone to kill himself with a gun than for him to jump from a tall building or hang himself? If suicidal Americans didn’t have access to guns, they would simply use other suicide methods. Personally, if I wanted to commit suicide, I’d probably use carbon monoxide from a car exhaust rather than one of my many guns.

    Several developed countries have higher suicide rates than the US in spite of having far greater restrictions on civilian gun ownership. Examples include South Korea, Russia, Japan, Belgium, and Iceland.

    As for actual *homicides* with guns, a huge proportion of these in the US are the result of fighting among inner city gangbangers. This conflict is fueled by drug prohibition. Also, a disproportionate number of the murders are committed by blacks and Hispanics, and these ethnic groups are a lower percentage of the population in most other developed countries.

    *** “Studies have suggested that the non-gun homicide rate in the United States may be high because the gun homicide rate is high. For example, offenders take into account the threat posed by their adversaries. Individuals are more likely to have lethal intent if they anticipate that their adversaries will be armed,” Grinshteyn added. ***

    This is total BS. Grinshteyn is grasping at straws. If Mr. X intends to kill Mr. Y, but Mr. X anticipates that that Mr. Y will have a firearm, Mr. X is NOT likely to try to kill Mr. Y without using a firearm of his own.

    Finally, we can point to Mexico. Far more people are murdered with guns in Mexico on a per capita basis than in the US, even though Mexico has a near-total ban on civilian firearm ownership. Even if some of the Mexican guns come from the US — hell, even if they ALL came from the US, which they do not — the cause of the increased violence must lie somewhere apart from gun availability. Otherwise, we would expect the murder rate in the US to be just as high as the murder rate in Mexico.

  10. American Cops Now Being Sent to Scotland to Learn How to Stop Killing People
    Posted on February 3, 2016 by Mary

    Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

    In all of 2011, British police killed 2 people. In 2012, 1 person. In 2013, a total of 3 bullets left the barrels of British police guns, and no one was killed. In the last two years, a total of 4 people have lost their lives because of British cops, bringing the total number of citizens killed in the UK to 7 in the last 5 years.

    On average, police in America kill at a rate 70 times that of its Western neighbors. In just the last week of December, American cops killed more people than the entire country of England killed in the last five years. Continue reading →

  11. This article is nonsense. Did they even bother to factor in ‘gun violence’, on a near daily basis, perpetrated by psycho-cop/fed/dea murders? Nope! Didn’t think so.

    Netherlands has probably the strictest gun laws in the eu, yet there are shootings almost daily. They’ve even had people throw grenades in the street and in a few instances locals have blow up their apartments when the cops or the repo-man come knocking. They also suffered a mass shooting at a mall a few years back.

    Gun free zones promote criminal violence…be it thugs, gangs, cops, or the federal government.


  12. The only firearm problem the U.S. has in not shooting these gmo eugenics tyrants in the FKNG NUTS.
    Along with internet trolls on this site.
    All trolls must die. PERIOD.
    They’re like information Gonorrhea.
    They need a shot.

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