Protestors are now going restaurant by restaurant

3 thoughts on “Protestors are now going restaurant by restaurant

  1. I wonder what happens when they think they have the right to do this to someone’s car or house. Will that be enough for people to realize the threat these mindless subhuman degenerates are and how they’re being used? When I say time for talk is over, what I mean is with these people. There is no talking to them. And that civil war the powers that be want, they’re going to get whether we like it or not. Just keep in mind what the message of taking over a table is. Today its a table. Tomorrow…you’ll find out.

    1. “And that civil war the powers that be want, they’re going to get whether we like it or not.”
      No they are f-king not. The only way they get what they want is if the 75% whose voices are being stifled accept their phony notion that they have power and we acquiesce to it.
      You give the illusion that they have the numbers and they do not. The only way they win is if we surrender and I will not f-king surrender and I will not hear any talk of surrender.
      You tell me what they are going to do? You speak for yourself, you do not SPEAK FOR ME.

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