PSU Students & Staff Protest Arming Of Campus Security

Sent to us by LaughingAtLiberals

Published on Dec 11, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

Portland State University students and staff stage a “die in” as a protest against the board of trustees consideration of having a sworn and armed police force on campus. The “die in” symbolizes those who have been shot by police.

They intentionally lay in the hallways and doors so that the board members have to walk over to get in. Some arguing breaks out between staff and protesters, some of the board members and other university officials walk over the protesters, but most of the board members make their way in through a side door. PSU admin Domanic Thomas gets a short lesson from our good friend Mario Haro on how to protest and how to stand up for “justice”.

Published on Dec 11, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

Portland State University students and staff protest the arming of campus security. They march in the street on their way to the board of trustees meeting.

3 thoughts on “PSU Students & Staff Protest Arming Of Campus Security

  1. Then these idiots will be the first ones screaming why there was nobody to stop an active shooter in this gun free zone,,,
    cant fix or teach stupid.

  2. Right, so let the students and staff who are qualified arm themselves.Won’t even cost the school or state anything. Problem solved.

  3. Well then, next time there is an active shooter on campus maybe they could all just lay around in the hallways and pretend they have already been shot while the campus police call 911. As the saying goes when seconds count the police are only minutes away. Idiots!!

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