Red Cross “Sheltering in Place,” for the Sheeple

BFF photo BFF_zps10de1f11.pngCare and Washing of the Brain

Coming SOON to a town near you

“Sheltering in Place” is what the goose-steppers refer to when they need to lock down a town or city so they can send in heavily-armed teams of thuggish goon squads that go door-to-door, sometimes kicking the doors in, so they can look for some patsy for a recent False Flag, like the Boston Marathon FF.  

Dare to defy a uniformed squad of bastards armed with sub-machine guns and they’ll light you up like a Christmas Tree and you will be branded a terrorist or subversive, all for asking the legal question, “Do you have a search warrant?”

That constitutional necessity wasn’t invoked during the insanities after the Boston Marathon FF, just armed killers stalking the streets, terrifying the entire city while claiming to look for ONE teenager.

Sweep of homes in Watertown, MA to search for second suspect of the Boston Marathon Bombing

Published on Apr 19, 2013

Took video from my window of an armed team going door to door down my street in Watertown, MA looking for the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. At this moment, Watertown is under a “shelter in place” order and vehicles are prohibited. Crazy!

“Bomb Squad Drill Underway at Boston marathon.”

“Good News, Comrade, now you can be house-broke to react like a good little sheeple, never asking any questions or insisting on your Constitutional rights, just roll over and pray they don’t put their laser beam sights on you.”

“The Red Cross has training to make you a good little frightened target, gladly surrendering your Constitutional rights just so you can go on living in the Gulag called the USSA.”

Be Red Cross Ready: Coping with ‘Shelter-in-Place” Emergencies

During certain emergencies, local authorities may ask or require you to shelter in place.

Sheltering in place is taking immediate shelter wherever you are—at home, work, school or in between.

Emergency personnel advise or require sheltering in place during rare instances when the safest action for you and others is to remain at your current location.

These instances include events such as a gas leak, chemical spill or nuclear accident.

Local officials or authorities on the scene are the best source of information for your particular situation. Following their instructions during a shelter-in-place emergency will help keep you and your loved ones safe.

During a shelter-in-place emergency, authorities provide information on TV, the radio and other forms of electronic communication in order to help you understand how to remain safe.

In spite of challenging circumstances, most individuals who have sheltered in place have successfully coped with the emergency. You can, too.

Following these lines of insanity will most likely get you killed, if it’s a gas or chemical leak, In my 23+ years as both a volunteer and career firefighter, we never asked people to ‘shelter-in-place’ during a gas leak, you got them the hell out of Dodge because if the leak reaches so many PPM (Parts Per Million) on your Combustible Gas Monitor, that means there’s enough flammable gas vapor in the air that could be set off by the slightest spark and BOOM goes the neighborhood.

It’s highly unlikely you’d want to ‘shelter-in-place’ for a chemical leak. There’s no telling where the toxic fumes might drift or when the wind will change and blow death into those homes of frightened people, sheltering-in-place.
You’d remove people MILES away while the emergency response teams worked on the spill while wearing haz-mat suits and SCBA-Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.

Lies about ‘Sheltering -in-place’ put forth by the freedom haters who are wanting to lock-down the entire country, turning your home or residence into a prison, while armed drones fly overhead, making sure you’re ‘safe.’

3 thoughts on “Red Cross “Sheltering in Place,” for the Sheeple

  1. You DON’T “shelter in place.”

    You’re an American, and if there’s a problem in your community, you need to arm yourself and respond to it; NOT hide in your home waiting for someone to protect you.

    This suggestion may come as a surprise to a nation whose men have been brainwashed to descend into sissy-hood, but if you’re a man, maybe you should start acting like one.

  2. “Following these lines of insanity will most likely get you killed, if it’s a gas or chemical leak, In my 23+ years as both a volunteer and career firefighter, we never asked people to ‘shelter-in-place’ during a gas leak, you got them the hell out of Dodge because if the leak reaches so many PPM (Parts Per Million) on your Combustible Gas Monitor, that means there’s enough flammable gas vapor in the air that could be set off by the slightest spark and BOOM goes the neighborhood.

    It’s highly unlikely you’d want to ‘shelter-in-place’ for a chemical leak. There’s no telling where the toxic fumes might drift or when the wind will change and blow death into those homes of frightened people, sheltering-in-place.”

    Exactly what I was thinking. Well said. It’s like saying, “When there’s a fire in your house, stay where you are even if the ceiling is coming down on you” or “When lightning is striking while you are under a tree, stay where you are even though you will be the primary target of the lightning bolt.” What kind of fool would follow such absurd advice? Yea I know, sheeple would. So sad.

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