Reports: 4 Dead, 14 Inured in Ft. Hood Shooting



Update at 8:10pm: CBS News has confirmed with law enforcement officials that there are four dead, including the shooter.

KENS 5 reports that CBS News sources have identified the Fort Hood shooter as 34-year-old Ivan Lopez, and the incident began as a dispute involving soldiers.  


Fort Hood confirmed an “active shooter” on post late Wednesday afternoon.

The Associated Press received a report from a Senior Department of Defense Official saying one is dead and fourteen are injured.

According to CBS News, Law Enforcement sources report the Fort Hood shooter is dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A senior Pentagon officials tell CBS News the shooter was a soldier.

Fort Hood officials say the post’s directorate of emergency services has received reports that the shooter is dead, but cannot yet confirm the reports.

However, the Associated Press, citing an internal Justice Department report, says the shooter is dead. It’s unknown if there are any additional fatalities.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the president has been informed of the reports of a shooting at Fort Hood and will continue to receive updates as he attends a pair of Democratic Party fundraisers in Chicago.

News 19 sister station WFAA said that a Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter is over a gray Toyota Camry, suspected to be the shooter’s vehicle on post.

Earlier Updates:

News 19’s sister station KENS 5 says around 4:30PM Wednesday near the transportation motor pool, around 20 rounds were reportedly fired, but the shooter then went into the medical brigade building on-base, according to one soldier on post at Ft. Hood.

That soldier reported to KENS 5 that there seems to be some sort of standoff happening.

“Immediately heard four guns shots and assumed they were blank rounds,” one soldier told KENS 5. “We then heard a burst, another burst, and it was clear they weren’t blank rounds. They were live rounds.”

The soldier also said he witnessed soldiers fleeing the transportation motor pool on foot, running toward a 7-foot-high barbed wire fence, and attempted to climb the fence to get away.

The soldier said he saw at least one person get hit.

Fort Hood’s official Twitter account tweeted an alert: “All personnel on post are asked to shelter in place.”

Waco police said emergency sirens were sounding on post, and personnel were being advised to stay away from windows and keep doors closed and locked.

Central Texas College, located in Killeen, is evacuating the school campus and cancelling the rest of the day’s classes.

Sources say the FBI just sent out an alert a few days ago. Agents are concerned that a recent army recruit had planned to target U.S. soldiers. The FBI alert was sent out Friday for a recent Army recruit.

The alert said the soldier was planning a “Fort Hood-inspired jihad against U.S. soldiers.” According to several news sources, the FBI was searching for a man identified as Booker, or Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, who had told friends of his “intention to commit jihad.”

Booker was reportedly discharged last week after the army learned of his plans. According to reports, the FBI was still searching for Booker. It’s unconfirmed if there is any connection with Wednesday’s shooting.

In 2009 13 were killed and 31 wounded at Ft. Hood when Maj. Nidal Hasan launched an attack on unarmed soldiers at the base.

According to CNN, after the 2009 mass shootings, security upgrades were made at Fort Hood. Armed guards were posted at key locations, random container inspections were conducted, vehicles entering must display a Department of Defense Sticker, some buildings require badge access and soldiers assigned must register their personal firearms with emergency services.

The staff at News 19, WLTX sister-stations KVUE and KENS 5 are pursuing details, and will be updated here as they come in.

30 thoughts on “Reports: 4 Dead, 14 Inured in Ft. Hood Shooting

  1. “White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the president has been informed of the reports of a shooting at Fort Hood and will continue to receive updates as he attends a pair of Democratic Party fundraisers in Chicago.”

    Hmm…funny how he’s never informed when a local shooting happens. Gee….it’s almost like it was rigged…..

    Ugh! There I go thinking again. Dammit! I gotta stop doing that.

    So Barry was informed. Was that during his golf game or while he was on vacation in another country?

  2. What a tragic shame. These soldiers lives have been disrupted and sometimes destroyed by the ordeal they’ve had to go through in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Don’t know if the soldier who did this is one of them or not.
    But, it does seem more logical to take out ones rage if one feels the need to on more meaningful targets such as Darth Vader….the criminal living in Wyoming.

  3. My Fellow Americans:


    I’m am sure as the reports come out, they will be both contradicting, and confusing,… the hallmarks of a US Fed Gov’t False-Flag,…which means this was a Black-Op,.. done by our gov’t,… or Isreal’s Mossad with the permission (request) of the Enemy-Force-In-Occupation in Washington DC.

    I JUST got done saying on today’s show, yesterdays show, and last week,… we are WAY overdue for another False-Flag,.. MCE (Mass Casualty Event), as they still need to disarm Americans,… and get WW3 going.

    Apparently,.. this was the best they could scratch together on short notice,.. AS THEY DIDN’T EVEN BOTHER TO CHANGE LOCATION! (how f’n lazy is that??!!)

    JD – US Marines – This can drone on for another few years as things just continue to deteriorate,… or it could blow apart a few a minutes from now. Be ready.

    1. And with the “shooter” dead, there is no one to contradict the “official” story. Unless any of the soldiers were particularly observant, and they’d best be quiet until in a very safe, protected place before even thinking of whistleblowing.

      1. exactly!
        and as I have said about plenty of the “suicide by cop” events we have been having a lot of lately, they make sure the witness / perp. cant talk

    2. “Apparently,.. this was the best they could scratch together on short notice,.. AS THEY DIDN’T EVEN BOTHER TO CHANGE LOCATION! (how f’n lazy is that??!!)”

      Haha! Exactly what I was saying earlier. Since when do they do a false flag in the same area? It’s pathetic.

  4. WTF! Soldiers shouldn’t be ‘sheltering in place’. They should be armed while on base and able to respond to threats.

    1. No shit! I was saying that same thing when I heard them announce that on the radio today on the way back. “Shelter in place”? They are the MILITARY for cryin’ out loud and they are told to HIDE????!!!!!

      WTF kind of military are we running here? A bunch of cowards? Just one of those soldiers should be more than enough to take the bastard out. How HUMILIATING this is for our military!

      What happened to “an army of one”? All I here lately is “an army of none”. It’s a disgrace!

  5. “Apparently,.. this was the best they could scratch together on short notice,.. AS THEY DIDN’T EVEN BOTHER TO CHANGE LOCATION! (how f’n lazy is that??!!)”

    Yes JD, but this was thankfully not a MCE. What was the purpose of this, and what was/is the other hand doing? Perhaps this was perpetrated to get our minds off of MA370, who knows at this point. Very few are buying into the BS at this point.

  6. The criminals who generated these illegal wars that have caused so much damage and suffering to so many people should now be in fear of their own lives. It would be good to know that they cannot go anywhere without looking over their shoulder………fear should be the emotion that runs their lives from now on.

  7. So now it’s THE shooter. Earlier they were saying there were two. One in custody, and the other on the lam.

  8. Ding ding ding….

    Sources say the FBI just sent out an alert a few days ago. Agents are concerned that a recent army recruit had planned to target U.S. soldiers. The FBI alert was sent out Friday for a recent Army recruit.

    The alert said the soldier was planning a “Fort Hood-inspired jihad against U.S. soldiers.” According to several news sources, the FBI was searching for a man identified as Booker, or Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, who had told friends of his “intention to commit jihad.”

    Red flag ^^^^ right there^^^^

    Scroll back and look at the article, am I seeing things or is the shooter from 2009, named Hasan and today’s shooter is Hassan?

  9. “Fort Hood’s official Twitter account tweeted an alert: “All personnel on post are asked to shelter in place.””

    What a bunch of cowards! Are they worried they’re going to break a nail or something?

  10. Scroll back and look at the article, am I seeing things or is the shooter from 2009, named Hasan and today’s shooter is Hassan?

    Sorry for the repost, I thought it might be missed.

    1. Oh come on, Deb. You ruined the whole damn thing. j/k lol

      Who knows. Maybe he was related to Cia-n-cia? lol

  11. I’m not sure if that’s possible #1, my clothes are going out of style waiting for them to get their story straight. If I’m lucky, poodle skirts will come back in style soon. 😆

    1. Yeah, but we should have at least three or four different versions to choose from by tomorrow.

      Or Friday at the latest. 🙂

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