Reports: White House Considers Withholding Federal Money to Pressure People to Take Vaccine

Breitbart – by Wendell Husebo

The White House is reportedly considering withholding federal dollars to private business as part of its latest push to get more Americans to take the coronavirus vaccine.

“If the Biden administration goes forward with the plans, it would amount to a dramatic escalation in the effort to vaccinate the roughly 90 million Americans who are eligible for shots but who have refused or have been unable to get them,” the Washington Post reported.

“The effort could apply to institutions as varied as long-term-care facilities, cruise ships and universities, potentially impacting millions of Americans, the Post continued, “according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations.”

The White House issued a statement to Fox News neither confirming nor denying the Posts‘ report.

“As we always are, the administration is discussing a host of different measures we can continue to boost vaccinations across the country,” the White House said. “Any reported ideas under consideration are in early conversations and pre-decisional. There are no imminent policy decisions as to preview at this time.”

Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Lawrence Gostin told Fox News the federal government would be right to leverage the power of the purse to push those who are exercising their freedom of choice to become vaccinated.

“I think wisely using the federal spending power is absolutely right,” said Gostin.

 The Biden administration’s obsession with vaccinating Americans with a vaccine that is not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved comes as the establishment media has rung the alarm that not all Americans are complying with the president’s commands.

FiveThirtyEight ran the headline June 30, “Partisanship Isn’t The Only Reason Why So Many Americans Remain Unvaccinated.”

“Nearly half of unvaccinated Americans don’t plan on getting a COVID vaccine,” Fortune magazine published August 4.

The Wall Street Journal took aim at young people in July, “Young Americans Aren’t Getting Vaccinated, Jeopardizing Covid-19 Fight.”

CBS News took a page from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s book and called Americans freedom of choice, “inexplicable.”

“Fauci says it is ‘inexplicable’ some Americans aren’t getting vaccinated despite data,” the CBS headline ran.

8 thoughts on “Reports: White House Considers Withholding Federal Money to Pressure People to Take Vaccine

  1. How the f*** is this not coercion?!? Oh, it’s the same “authority” as the CDC creating and enforcing law, which is something only Congress is allowed to do (which cannot be in opposition of the Supreme Law, the Bill of Rights). I guess the oligarchs figure that since Americans won’t enforce the Bill of Rights, what is to stop them from doing what they want, when they want, how they want, to who ever they want. They are of course going to learn otherwise.

    1. How about vaccine damage …It’s happening and NO ONE is reporting about it… CDC will not admit to it…Biden will not admit to it..There are individuals who have been gravely hurt by our VACCINE obsesed Government and by Fauci and his BIG PHARMA chronies…BIG PHARMA MADE SURE THEY WERE EXEMPT FROM LIABILITY….

  2. Every day, more threats from the demons. They’re seeing global rebellion rising and their kill-shot ain’t buyin’ them victory. So now it’s time for another climate catastrophe. Who else could so expertly ramp up the fear and tell of our “DIRE” circumstances as well as CfknNN?

    A crucial ocean circulation is showing signs of instability. Its shutdown would have serious impacts on our weather:


    1. I wish I could stop. But I already did. 20 years ago.
      To be fair my previous employer stole $55 last year and gave it to them.

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