Residents chafe over search for ambush suspect

CANADENSIS, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania state police are defending themselves against complaints that they have unfairly denied residents access to their homes during the manhunt for a suspected killer.

The massive search for 31-year-old Eric Frein, who is charged with killing one trooper and wounding another, has resulted in frequent unannounced and indefinite roadblocks in the village of Canadensis. Some people have ended up sleeping in their cars because their neighborhoods were cordoned off.  

In a statement Tuesday night, police said they have been “diligent in respecting the rights of the public while working hard to keep both residents and law enforcement personnel safe.” Authorities say Frein ambushed the state police barracks in Blooming Grove on Sept 12, fatally shooting Cpl. Bryon Dickson and wounding Trooper Alex Douglass.

Police believe Frein, a Canadensis resident and self-taught survivalist, has been hiding in the dense woods surrounding his neighborhood. Last week, troopers issued a “shelter-in-place” order that kept some residents from leaving their houses for more than a day; those who weren’t already at home could not go back. Residents contend the directive left elderly relatives unattended and pets unfed, and resulted in lost wages for workers who couldn’t leave their houses.

Adam Christmann said he has been kept away from his home at least twice since the search started. As he waited at a roadblock near his house on Monday afternoon, he said that while he understood the importance of the search, he couldn’t help but be frustrated.

“We don’t know when we can go home, or you don’t know if you can get out,” Christmann said. “Families are getting separated.”

5 thoughts on “Residents chafe over search for ambush suspect

  1. It’s a real shame that more of them aren’t being shot during this process. I was hoping the ambush would kick off a new fad.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong here?

    Isn’t laying siege to a town, or an inhabited area a wonton act of WAR?

    Why those state police orifacers were shot seems pretty apparent to a lot of people now? Pensylvania STATE POLICE is a POLICE STATE. They are at war with the population and are actively trying to start a war with us.

    Everything they are doing is the best darn recruitment material for a militia. If that area had one this would not be happening right now. Those goofs would be fighting and loosing a “Brush Fire” war right now.

  3. What kind of spineless ahole doesn’t go home because the govt said so?! If this is true, I want to be the one to drive them to the fema camp. They deserve it

  4. The police “believe” they’ve spotted him? Maybe it was bigfoot. These bad actors couldn’t find their way to heaven even if they had Jacob’s ladder.

    They have already found cigarettes and diapers from the alleged killer. So they should have already brought in tracking dogs and captured him.

    And would the Adam Christ mann (looking past the obvious references to Adam, Christ & Man) in PA that was interviewed be the same one that works for either one of 2 government contractors or a marketing company?

    They are likely going to capture him on the 15th day which I believe is this coming Saturday or Sabbath Day.

    Are my comments now being moderated? Feel free to leave or remove the moderation. Anyone that attempts to monitor or control something only serves satan and his agenda.

    1. Believe it or not I was just getting ready to take you out of moderation. And yes, I put you in moderation because I did not understand what kind of implication you were trying to put forth with the 13 pictures issue.
      Now we have your statement, “Anyone that attempts to monitor or control something only serves satan and his agenda.” so you will stay in moderation.
      Try this one out. Anyone who tries to demean this site will find their ass in spam.

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