RT reporter quits over MH17 coverage: ‘We’re lying and finding sexier ways to do it’

firthThe Raw Story – by Tom Boggioni

A London-based reporter for Russia Today resigned Friday in protest over the network’s coverage of the recent Malaysia Airlines plane crash.

Sara Firth, who has worked for RT since 2009, announced her resignation via Twitter, writing: “I resigned today from RT. I have huge respect for many in the team, but I’m for the truth.”

Firth told Buzzfeed that she resigned because she the felt the Kremlin-funded news channel was trying to pin the blame for the apparent shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on the Ukrainian government.  

“It was the total disregard to the facts. We threw up eyewitness accounts from someone on the ground openly accusing the Ukrainian government, and a correspondent in the studio pulled up a plane crash before that the Ukrainian government had been involved in and said it was ‘worth mentioning’,” Firth explained. “It’s not worth mentioning. It’s Russia Today all over, it’s flirting with that border of overtly lying. You’re not telling a lie, you’re just bringing something up. I didn’t want to watch a story like that, where people have lost loved ones and we’re handling it like that.”

“I couldn’t do it any more. Every single day we’re lying and finding sexier ways to do it.”

Firth resignation comes just months after RT America correspondent Liz Wahl resigned on airover the network’s slanted coverage of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the Crimean peninsula.

Wahl signed off her last broadcast saying, “I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government which whitewashes the actions of Putin. I’m proud to be an American, and believe in disseminating the truth. And that is why, after this newscast, I’m resigning.”

Abby Martin, a Washington-based American news anchor for Russia Today, also took the network to task for its slanted pro-Putin reporting.

In unscripted remarks at the end of her Breaking the Set segment, Martin said, “Just because I work here, for RT, doesn’t mean I don’t have editorial independence and I can’t stress enough how strongly I am against any military intervention in sovereign nations’ affairs.”

Following Martin’s outburst, RT executives blamed her comments on the US media, saying she had been “misled by American mainstream media”.

Responding to Martin’s admission that she didn’t “know as much as I should about Ukraine’s history or the cultural dynamics of the region,” Russia Today stated they would be sending her to Crimea.

“In her comment Ms. Martin also noted that she does not possess a deep knowledge of reality of the situation in Crimea. As such we’ll be sending her to Crimea to give her an opportunity to make up her own mind from the epicenter of the story.”

Martin responded: “I am not going to Crimea despite the statement RT has made.”


13 thoughts on “RT reporter quits over MH17 coverage: ‘We’re lying and finding sexier ways to do it’

  1. I always said RT was part of the propaganda machine, and my hat’s off to this lovely young woman of integrity for resigning over their lies.

  2. Who has to gain from a MH17 shoot down? Its not the Russians. Its not the people in east Ukraine trying to survive being slaughtered by that Jewish governments reprisals in Kiev against the population there who is trying to secure their safety by prosecuting a war against a criminal foreign pestilence.

    Is there anyone that anyone can think of that would gain by vilifying East Ukrainians, or the Russian Government? Who? WHO???????

    Look what the Kiev Oligarch ZIONISTS are doing In Ukraine?


    This is a PTOG/Operation Ajax program their running in Ukraine. For those who think the rebels would have done it makes no sense at all, nor Russia.

    What is the chemical residue from the war head say where its made. Let me also point out that there are American Army units there now with their gear, as well as Greystone Mercs as well doing all sorts of horrifying things to the population there. Let me also point out that IF it was a misile that shot down that aircraft it is WELL within the capabilities of OLD patriot missiles. The new ones are very able to maneuver in space and attack satellites, or MERVs inbound. US navy proved that several years ago in their little demo on a spiraling Russian satellite.

    Oh. Where by the way is ISRAEL, and its people and influence? What happened in Abkasia, and South Acetia in 2008? What was that Israeli drone the Russians shot down over Russian airspace? I know. I was there by the way.

    Come on people. Put on your thinking cap and get real!!! Start asking questions instead of jumping on the Globalist’s ” Hate Russia” campaign. We’re Americans for Christ’s sake. We’re smarter than that.

  3. “…she resigned because she the felt the Kremlin-funded news channel was trying to pin the blame for the apparent shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on the Ukrainian government.”

    Excuse me? I believe Kiev was the FIRST one to point the finger at Russia. As far as RT “trying to pin the blame… on the Ukrainian (so-called) ‘government’, given the evidence piled up against them, I’d say they’re simply calling a spade a spade. There was no profit OR motive for Russia to down that plane.

    And given the fact that that communist POS posing as the president of THIS country is ALSO now pointing the finger at Russia, I’d say that lends that much more (FAR more, actually) credence to RT’s claim.

    Kiev did this sh#t.


    1. #1, did you see the CNN reporter get yanked out of The Middle East because she twittered some derogatory comments towards the Israeli Cheerleaders eating popcorn and dancing, just like those “Dancing Israelis” wildly exuberant, filming themselves gimping out during the 911 attack. They were arrested and immediately deported back to Israel, we showed them!!!!!!!!

    2. Cui Bono? – Who benefits?

      Why on earth would Partisans in Ukraine of both ethnic groups by the way, do something like this? Your points are right on and couldn’t add anything. Thank you.

      1. They have no benefit whatsoever. It gives Russia and Ukraine a “black eye”. Who benefits the most from these horrific events? Ponder that!

        1. The scumbag Zionist jews may have ordered it, Millard, but I still say Kiev did the actual firing of the missile.

          1. Oh, no argument here on who fired the missile, just the “pretenders and portrayers” setting things into motion.

          2. Granted.

            Had a tough day at work, so I’m done for the night. See you tomorrow.

    3. I’ll wait until the dog’s a$$ pinches it off before I render the final “sniff test”. “It looks like dog sh!t, smells like dog sh!t, and tastes like dog sh!t, good thing we didn’t step in it!” (Kudos to Cheech and Chong)

  4. Motive and opportunity. Russia has no motive to target civilian aircraft. They certainly have the ability to differentiate a passenger plane from military.

    Although it’s possible separatists had missiles capable of reaching that altitude we know for sure the Ukrainian military had them in the area, as photos document.

    The crash needs to be investigated by a neutral party. But what country is neutral now?

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