Ruptured Pipeline Cuts Gasoline Supply to Entire U.S. East Coast


A ruptured pipeline has shut down the flow of gasoline from Texas to East Coast Refineries;   Gasoline Supply Cut-Off.  Shortages already striking and will hit New Jersey & New York City within 48 Hours. FILL you gas tanks NOW! ! ! ! Or you won’t be able to.

The temporary shutdown of a major gas pipeline that serves the Southeast and East Cost has led to a state of emergency in both Alabama and Tennessee.  

Colonial Pipeline Company says a leak was reported in what’s known as Line 1 after someone noticed the smell of gas last Friday in rural Shelby County, Alabama.

The pipeline is a major artery for the distribution of gas from Houston, Texas, all the way to New Jersey, and travels through 11 other states. Click the map to view it full size.


After the break was found, the company shut the line down to make repairs.

Officials say there could potentially be a decrease in gas supply in areas north of the repair site, which is located just below Birmingham.

Colonial Pipeline says states such as Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina “will be the first markets to be impacted by any potential disruption in supply.”

On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent a letter to Gov. Bill Haslam and Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal saying the agency was relaxing environmental standards in specific Georgia and Tennessee counties through 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 15, in order to maintain the gas supply to those states.

The governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, issued a state of emergency Thursday, which will free up resources to increase gas to the area.

Meanwhile, on Friday, Gov. Haslam issued an executive order to declare a state of emergency to waive federal restrictions on the hours of service for petroleum transporters. It will allow drivers to work longer hours to make sure petroleum is available to convenience stores, fuel retailers, and fuel wholesalers in Tennessee.

“This is a precautionary measure as we are not currently seeing any widespread unavailability of petroleum in Tennessee,” Haslam said. “We urge Tennesseans to maintain their normal fuel purchasing and driving patterns to help prevent any potential impacts on our fuel supply while the pipeline undergoes repairs.”

The company says Line 1 is expected to be repaired and restarted sometime next week. An exact date was not given.

Affects of pipeline shutdown on Tennessee

Officials in Tennessee say fuel wholesalers and convenience stores “are working around the clock to ensure that gas is available at pumps in our state.”

“While service from an Alabama pipeline has been disrupted, fuel wholesalers and retailers have contingency plans in place,” a statement continued.

Rob Ikard, President of the Tennessee Grocers and Convenience Store Association, told SuperStation95 “measures have been taken to make sure that we have adequate supply in Tennessee.”

He said gas is being delivered to Nashville, and there may be temporary outages sporadically from one station to another.

“They are still able to go and pickup gas and bring it to the Nashville market, but tankers are having to drive a little bit farther to get it,” Ikard explained.

Mike Williams with the Tennessee Petroleum Council explained that as demand for gas increases, prices are likely to go up, and if a price is higher for delivery, you’ll see those higher prices at the pump.

Williams also noted that it is a short-term situation.

Statement from MAPCO

Friday afternoon, MAPCO sent a press release saying they are aware some of its stores have experienced a shortage. The company says “the situation is primarily due to a supply problem on a third party pipeline system.”

MAPCO notes that that it sources a portion of its fuel supply for its stores from this pipeline system.

“We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause our customers and are working to find alternative sources to supply our locations,” the company continued.

Affects on Kroger in Middle Tennessee

Kroger told SuperStation95 about 15 stations are without fuel across Middle Tennessee as of early Friday evening.

Spokeswoman Melissa Eads says deliveries are planned for those stores, though, with some getting deliveries Friday nigh and others Saturday morning.

Triple A

SuperStation95 spoke with AAA, which said it does not expect widespread outages. Stephanie Milani echoed the possibility of occasional but limited outages of regular unleaded fuel.

AAA anticipates tanker trucks coming in from Memphis and Kentucky to help with supply shortages that do occur. Those trucks should be rolling into Nashville over the next few days.

The company also says gas in Tennessee is hovering around $2.01 per gallon with no significant increase in price over the last week.

When they say “Don’t Panic” that’s when it’s time to panic!

Looking at the map above, the pipeline goes from Lake Charles, Louisiana all the way to LINDEN, NEW JERSEY.  That pipeline is now shutdown.

Those of us here in the New Jersey / New York City metropolitan area use orders-of-magnitude more fuel than folks in places like Tennessee and Alabama.  WE ARE GOING TO FEEL THIS SHORTAGE — and feel it fast.

Don’t wait.  Get gasoline in your cars and/or gas cans IMMEDIATELY.  If you wait, you may find yourself out of fuel and out of luck.

The pipeline is expected to be shut down for one week.  What if they’re wrong?  What if it takes longer?  A lot longer?

Motorists are strongly advised to top-off their fuel tanks right now.  And we mean RIGHT NOW!

Please spread this information to friends, family and co-workers here in the New Jersey / New York City metro area.


10 thoughts on “Ruptured Pipeline Cuts Gasoline Supply to Entire U.S. East Coast

  1. Remember what Henry said about gas, so it begins. When was the last time a gasoline pipeline, ah stopped or whatever!!

  2. Thank you for the article Misty. I saw another one earlier today that said the effects would be as far north as Maine. I’ve sent out advisories to everyone that I know.

  3. The EPA says they will be relaxing environmental standards (commie speak = ingnoring altogether) in specific Georgia and Tennessee counties through 11:59 p.m. in order to maintain gas supplies to those states.”

    Yep, people in those counties can drink gasoline. A short term fix with horrific environmental consequences, I’m sure.

    “There’s money to be made, F those people’s drinking water!” “I’m going to be even more filthy rich!”

  4. Something stinks about all this. Coming on the heels of falling oil prices, due to a world wide glut, , , a shortage had to occur.

    1. Yes, I agree. Considering that this occurred on the 9th and MSM chose to sit on this story is highly suspect. Classic problem, reaction, solution. This peeves me to no end. Nonetheless, I still had the kids and everyone that I know top off before they gauge us at the pump.

  5. Well here’s their excuse to raise gas prices and save their asses from losing money due to an over supply of oil. Just create an “accident” and have the people pay them billions to clean it up.

    Unfrigginbelievable….. What a bunch of sick sons if bitches.

    And the assholes want to build a pipeline through North Dakota. When will people ever learn. All they know how to do is destroy for financial gain.

  6. Oh boy! An explosion just hit NYC. 10-1 it was a gasline explosion even though they are saying it came from a dumpster. I’m sure they will use this to further their agenda. The Feds are already telling the people that they must have ID showing that they live in that area before they can go back to that area. That’s Nazi York for ya. “Your papers, please!”

    By the way, it rattled “Chelsea Neighborhood”. Tell me that name, itself, ain’t a coincidence, either.

    Funny how the whole ruptured gasline thing has been scrubbed from the MSM and replaced with this story. Gotta protect the oil companies from the angry masses by distracting them with something else, right? 😉 Typical.

  7. Hell let’s get the party going.
    Somebody throw a match.
    Another reason to prep and get out of any big metro city if you can.

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