Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ carried out by rebels, provocation not ruled out

RT News

Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday.   

The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from an area controlled by the opposition.

“A homemade rocket with a poisonous substance that has not been identified yet – one similar to the rocket used by terrorists on March 19 in Khan al-Assal – was fired early on August 21 [at Damascus suburbs] from a position occupied by the insurgents,” Lukashevich said.

The diplomat stated that it could only lead us to the thought that yet again we are dealing with ‘a provocation planned in advance’.

Conflicting reports emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria.

This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms.

The casualty figures range from dozens to almost 1,300 deaths.

UN Security council is to hold emergency meeting on alleged Syria gas attack at 1900 GMT on Wednesday.


One thought on “Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ carried out by rebels, provocation not ruled out

  1. Conveniently timed to coincide with the arrival of UN inspectors and also to provide justification for that August / September offensive that US / Israeli sources were talking about earlier in the summer.
    When will the idiots realise Russia and China will not let Assad fall unless they know that what replaces him will be as friendly to their regional interests.

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