Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley: “Quarantines Are A Financial & Emotional Impediment, We can Handle Unvaxxed Visitors”

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The 66-year-old mayor Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, Mike Bradley, is really a piece of work. He’s been mayor since 1988 and in 2016 was reportedly so toxic and nasty to the city staff that the city locked him of his own office and prohibited him from speaking with staff. Many of them quit it was so bad.

Bradley has recently referred to the blockade at Ambassador Bridge in Windsor to be “economic terrorism.” But if Mike was rational instead of being a lifelong political hack, he’d talk with the freedom convoy organizers and admit that he shares some common ground with them, as indisputably proven by his own comments in the video below!

In an interview conducted only six months ago on July 21st 2021 regarding International cross-border traffic between Canada and the US, Bradley says “I’m also pleased to see the quarantine rules going away, because they were becoming an impediment, and they were a financial impediment and an emotional impediment.” It sounds like he shares some common ground with the FreedomConvoyTruckers after all! He also says “In my own Community we are over 70% vaccinated, so we can handle having people come in here who aren’t fully vaccinated too.”

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