16 thoughts on “A secret for men: Women need you now more than ever

  1. Sure…..now that we are circling the toilet bowl get the men back!!! HAHAHA……….seriously there was NEVER a time when Real women didn’t need Real men

  2. I certainly appreciate any voice that speaks out on the social castration that The-Powers-That-Suck are attempting to orchestrate. I think her words could shake a few cages, heal a few wounds, and propel a stronger determinism in facin’ down those who’d have anyone believe they are not okay just as they are. This is a fighting back on all the false standards placed on us in order to feel our own worth. Just my own opinion but I think we were actually born worthy.


  3. they don’t need us they have womens lib ,they made their bed and now they have to lay in it, so piss on them!

      1. The level of immaturity of this vid is stunning! And the level of deception from both sides. This is a wet-dream for the social engineers who want to destroy human bonding, trust, family. Those two both need a crash-course in honest communication. Would have avoided all the pain and confusion. This was a manual on how to behave cowardly.

        Here’s a glimpse at the radio host:


        And even a cursory search on Durianrider who posted the vid will show a gamut of accusations against his less than honest intentions.

        Fight the dividers and destroyers. They hate us, our intelligence and beauty and stamina.


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