15 thoughts on “Sexy NSA Commercial With Sasha Grey

    1. Thanks RT and NC. Ya`ll know how crappy my life is at times – especially these last few days. ya know RT. 🙁 By the way every one lets say a prayer for a good old boy called Richard aka “butcher”. He was a good ole guy that met his maker monday night at about 6:00 pm CDT. He just gave up. He got tired of gettin F`ed with.Gone but not forgotten. Yep. A good guy and a real good freind to all, wouldn`t hurt a fly..

        1. Thanks RT, appreciated and I know he hears ya and he is standing tall with a smile on his face finally.

          1. Yep Angel thanks. Another veit nam vet that did the best he could but still was real and quiet. If ya know what I mean. :

          2. Yup, know what you mean.
            The ones who run their mouths, never really saw “Action” (saying I learned from WWI Vets, as a kid, and still holds true). They don’t Want to to talk about it, because they Dream It, Every Night.
            Peace be with him.

    1. She’s pornstar Sasha Grey. Who else? lol

      Born and raised in North Highlands, CA and now in Los Angeles. You should know. lol

      She was also in the horror film, “Smash Cut”.

      1. Then I definitely wouldn’t know who she is, NC. Haven’t watched any porn movies in over 15 years, and she’s too young to have been around back in those days for sure.

  1. She is cute, but I can’t watch the video. (no video with supported format and MIME type found)

    Is it worth downloading the spyware necessary to see the whole show, or does she keep her clothes on?

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