Shots fired from Mexico to harass Texas-US law enforcement

Breitbart – by Brandon Darby, June 23, 2014

MCALLEN, Texas—A trusted law enforcement source is reporting that shots are currently being fired on the Mexican side of the U.S. border. The shots are intended to harass the increased presence of Texas law enforcement personnel.  

Source: “Shots fired south of Rincon Village from Mexico. Unknown if smugglers are f***ing with the game wardens or what the deal is.” Minutes later, more information became available.

Source: “Not shooting at game wardens, but shooting to be a nuisance.”

Another trusted law enforcement source explained that the game wardens have been bringing in much higher numbers of illegal immigrants and destroying the rafts the human smugglers have been using to ferry illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande River that forms the international boundary between Texas and Mexico.

The area of the Rio Grande Valley sector where this is occurring is known as Zone 9. It is the Anzalduas area of the river border. This area has become ground zero for the border crisis.

This reporter visited the exact area two days ago and will release footage informing our readers and viewers on the hotspot.

UPDATE: Source indicates federal Fish and Wildlife agents are among the law enforcement the shooter(s) are intending to harass. Source indicates this marks the second occurrence in the area in two weeks.

Follow Brandon Darby on Twitter: @brandondarby

2 thoughts on “Shots fired from Mexico to harass Texas-US law enforcement

  1. “Source indicates federal Fish and Wildlife agents”. Another unconstitutional agency to enslave the people. If the peoples militia were stretched across the border, these shooters would no longer be shooting to harass.

  2. “A trusted law enforcement source is reporting that shots are currently being fired on the Mexican side of the U.S. border.”

    Time to invade Mexico!

    If this was the Middle East, their country would have been invaded by us already. WHAT THE HELL??!!!

    So I guess the war without borders begins now at our U.S./Mexican border. These elitist bastards want their North American Union.

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