Should Taking Kids Out of School for Family Vacation Be Illegal?

Should Taking Kids Out of School for Family Vacation Be Illegal?Life Hacker – by Melanie Pinola

In some states, it is illegal for parents to pull kids out of school for “unallowed” reasons, such as family events or vacations, with some parents charged with misdemeanors, given fines, or even threatened with jail time. But is this fair?

From the school’s point of view, these absences can definitely be disruptive and cause unfair additional work for the teacher to get the kids back on track or pre-plan classwork so the students aren’t behind.  

But for it to be illegal seems a bit extreme, and I think it should depend on the age of the kid (skipping a few days of second grade isn’t as bad as critical days in high school) and how well he or she is doing in school. The New York Times offers a few other considerations, while Jeanne Sager argues on Cafe Mom that she shouldn’t feel ashamed of spending time with her daughter.

These days, parents are getting investigated for letting their kids walk to school or play outside alone, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that school-time vacations can be illegal too.

4 thoughts on “Should Taking Kids Out of School for Family Vacation Be Illegal?

  1. Yeah F- U .. they probably learn more on vacation than in those public fool system buildings

    My kids..MY rules ..step off !

    ahem… homeschool

    just keep pushing people to the better education , thats fine with me .. idiots

  2. More examples of defining who your kids belong to, you or the state. Parents are allowed fewer and fewer decision making opportunities by the overweening state apparatus.

  3. How far we have fallen since I grew up. In my school days, my teachers encouraged my parents to take us out of school for vacation. They gave my parents my school work so I wouldn’t fall behind. When I returned, they asked me to write a report on what I learned on vacation. times have changed for the worse.

  4. Hey… Melanie Pinhead; why is this even a debatable topic, you moron? Are you not even sure if kids belong to the state or their parents?

    No one cares if “The New York Times offers a few other considerations”, but we do see which Zionist propaganda outlet has confused you on this issue.

    Why stop at the public school system’s ownership of your kids? Why don’t you turn your kids over to Senator Barney Frank and let him take care of them for you?

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