Socialist Revolution: The Price Capitalism Pays When Greed Goes Unrestrained

The Great Recession

Socialism is the price Capitalism pays for unrestrained and unpunished greed, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new face of Socialism in America. AOC refers to her Socialist revolution— for now wrapped up in the Green New Deal before congress — as the “politics of optimism,” and so it is. That’s because Socialism is the direction to which hope among the young and idealistic most often flows when Capitalism run by the old has grown corrupt and exhausted and is destroying itself with unrestrained greed and unpunished financial crimes.  

AOC warned that America is grappling with the consequences of putting “profits over everything else in our society” for so long, and that the capitalist system, as it stands, is “irredeemable.”

Zero Hedge

Of course Socialism in many nations around the world, such as the former Soviet Union and Communist China, has proven irredeemable many times, too. It takes a heavy hand to force people to give what they don’t want to give and to work if they don’t have to. That history, however, does not have the ear of the young, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders and, to some extent, Elizabeth Warren, do. But AOC puts the nicest face on it.

She’s fun, vivacious, beautiful, energetic, photogenic, friendly, and very communicative. I have no doubt she is well intentioned and genuinely cares about the poor and middle class. Most Socialists are. However, just as Capitalism is subject to being undermined and exploited by the greedy and self-serving, Socialism has proven equally prone to being overtaken by the powerful and oppressive who need to control others.

Revolution is growing everywhere in the world because the sins of corrupt bankers were not published and the divide between the haves and have nots is growing. A Socialist revolution against the US establishment is forming on society’s Left flank where we hear its drumbeat growing. On the Right, you can hear the war trumpets of the Trumpeteers, and somewhere on the fringe of nowhere you can hear the chaos of anarchists.

All are rebellions forming against a greedy, unsinkable establishment that has managed to stuff 80% or more of the nation’s wealth into the pockets of 10% of the people. So, that, to me, is where we need to focus our attention. We need to correct the deep economic flaws that are energizing all of this.

Read the rest here: The Great Recession

One thought on “Socialist Revolution: The Price Capitalism Pays When Greed Goes Unrestrained

  1. “She’s fun, vivacious, beautiful, energetic, photogenic, friendly, and very communicative. I have no doubt she is well intentioned and genuinely cares about the poor and middle class.”

    Then you’re falling for that banana in the tailpipe.

    That b#tch no more cares about the proletariat than her stinking jew masters do.

    Get a f%&king clue.

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