Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity

Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity celebmeatPrison Planet – by Adan Salazar

A company is aiming to take advantage of the mindless celebrity worship culture by planning to feed fanatics their favorite celebrities.

Hundreds of people are petitioning celebrities to donate tissue samples to, a company that says it will produce “artisanal salami” from celebrity tissue samples for human consumption.  

“How do you connect with celebrities?” a video promo for BiteLabs asks. “TV? Over the Internet? At Concerts? BiteLabs gets you so much closer. We take celebrity cells, grow them into muscles, making robust, flavorful, healthy, eco-friendly artisanal salami. We bring you celebrity meat.”

“Here’s how it will work,” explains the Los Angeles Times. “A sample of tissue containing myosatellite cells (the type of cells that help repair and regrow damaged muscle) will be taken from a person during a biopsy. Those cells are multiplied in a lab using a medium that acts as an artificial blood to grow muscle.”

The company already has a few celebrities in mind, such as James Franco, Jennifer Lawrence, Kanye West and Ellen DeGeneres, and even recipes they believe complement their personalities.

The end result, BiteLabs testifies, is a “high-quality, luxury protein, in a sustainable manner that eliminates the environmental and ethical concerns associated with traditional livestock production.”

Hungry yet? Maybe their promo vid will entice you..

While eating human muscle tissue may sound cannibalistic, BiteLabs claims its meat will be free of “animal cruelty, waste and from the environmental impacts of industrial farming,” and that it is simply fulfilling the next step in food evolution.

“In 1931, Winston Churchill predicted a future in which all the world’s meat would be grown in labs; what, he asked, was the sense in raising a whole chicken merely for the sake of its wings or breast meat?.. Today, In-Vitro meat production is close to becoming a reality..”

While BiteLabs’ idea is indeed disgusting, and possibly a well-coordinated hoax, increasingly more horrific ingredients are really being used to produce foods.

Last month, scientists in Spain found “The trick to making sausage healthier may be baby poop.”

“Bacteria from baby poop can help make delicious sausages, which could transform savory meats into health foods much like probiotic yogurts, according to new research,” reported Live Science.

And in 2011, Japanese scientists announced their success in turning human excrement into an edible meat-like texture.

“According to the latest reports, some people who actually ate the ‘turd burger’ have said it tastes like beef,” the International Business Times reported.

Or if none of the above strikes your fancy, how about a cricket protein bar?

It’s evident a Brave New World of food is here, but there will always be detractors who will resist eating people and poop.

For instance, when asked whether he’d prefer celebrity salami, baby-poop sausages or a sh*t burger, Infowars editor Kurt Nimmo stoically replied, “I’ll have the carrots.”


9 thoughts on “Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity

  1. Soylent Green was a great movie,my dad took me to see it when it came out.This is some plan to get folks to eat long pig and be comfortable with it I guess for the challenging times ahead.

  2. This is sick, why the hell would you want to eat human DNA, cannibal? Gross, sick, it makes my head spin. THis is satan, pagan idolatry at its best. The beast never sleeps, his minions are everywhere, like a disease they infect everything. Sick is all I can say.

    1. I agree, excepting cases like the story Alive,rugby team whose plane crashed in the Andes.The hardest part of that book for me was when one brother refused to eat the dead but told his brother when he dies to please eat him and survive,read it as a kid,certainly was one of those points in life when I realized things can be a lot worse.I die and if needed am a organ donor,after that,would help people survive feel free to eat me.I die in less turbulent times after any organs needed harvested will be tossed in the ocean and become part of the food chain which is to me the most useful thing can think of to do with my empty vessel.This product though is just weird and creepy and has nothing to do with hard core surviving.

  3. Absolutely Disgusting and Repulsive …….
    NWO conditioning, for what ever demented reason.
    Probably for “occult sacrifice” or “ritual” practices
    to indoctrinate the masses.
    Who knows for sure ….
    but these practices, are most assuredly,
    against God’s natural order.

  4. they got us to inject aborted human embryo cells into our kids incl. ourselves so why stop there

    bitelabs gets you so much closer…to cannibalism, brain damage, disease, and death

    straight from the table of demons

  5. This is a sick idea, indeed, but what’s even worse is that there will be plenty of people willing to shell out their hard-earned cash for a bite of Madonna meat, and that’s really a big part of the problem.

    These “celebrities” are only important to people who stare into the TV or movie screen to fulfill their lives rather than being part of the real community that surrounds them.

    They’re basically a gang of perverts and idiots who do little other than indulge themselves in narcissistic egoism that leaves them constantly promoting themselves and each other, despite their worthlessness to the real world. The Zionists use these freaks to insure that your life is wasted in the false reality they help to create, while they rob you of everything that was once yours.

    There probably aren’t too many “celebrities” that deserve to keep their heads attached. They’ve proven themselves to be an enduring part of the problem.

  6. What was dark is now light, and what was considered bad is now good. Just like the movie Soylent Green, where food becomes scarce and, where your only escape from a dismal existence is cashing-out your life savings to check-into a suicide clinic. They would have to find some way to dispose of the mountains of cadavers.

    Sick idea, but there’s a good possibility it may happen, if it isn’t already happening. Without doing a DNA test on the food product, could we actually taste the difference if human meat is mixed-in with hamburger or processed with cracker soy meal?

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