Spring Turned to Winter

Science is SettledDr. Sircus

Here we are deep into spring and winter is back, and coming early in the southern hemisphere. I have been holding back publishing Cold Climate Change – Preparing for the Next Ice Age simply to watch and report on what happens these last few weeks before winter leaves allowing agricultural nurturing warmth to return to farmers’ fields allowing them to get on with their business of feeding the rest of us. Only problem, winter does not want to leave.  

Every day we are getting later into spring and all we are hearing is reports of cold and continued snow. It is getting funny how wrong so called scientists can get and even the president of the United States is complaining about the cold and how it hurt the economy in the first quarter of the year. “The government reports that the economy expanded at a paltry 1% during the first three months of the year. That is, in a word, horrible. The White House was quick to note that this year’s insanely cold winter slowed growth,” reported the Washington Post. In fact, the last 2 years running the White House blamed extreme cold for the faltering economy.

Every way we turn we are seeing evidence of cooling leading to diminished economic activity and reduced agricultural output. Though the icing has been on the cake for years, these next few weeks of spring is going to tell us even more. In fact present conditions so far this spring is already screaming at those who have the hearts to stand the truth of global cooling, which is about to set down heavily on the world’s populations causing major dislocations and eventually massive starvation.

Civilization is not prepared to withstand increasing cold. In addition, on top of the hard physical reality people will have to face, they are being misled by their politicians, and some government controlled scientific institutions, who are all telling them we need to prepare for warming, when it is actually cooling. Just because they say it does not mean it is true unless you live and believe in a fairytale land of benevolent government.

The historic barrage of snow and cold that struck New England this winter has pushed back the gardening season and left behind damaged bushes, trees and greenhouses — and gardeners clamoring to get their hands in the dirt. The growing season is one to two weeks behind schedule after a winter that lacked the usual mid-season thaw and kept the snow piling up. Moreover, as we shall see in Cold Climate Change, we lost growing time last year when winter first showed its face in August.

Coldest in more than 120 years in Worcester MA

Coldest in more than 120 years in Worcester, Massachusetts

Coldest in more than 110 years in Syracuse NY

Coldest in more than 110 years in Syracuse, New York

Coldest in more than 110 years in Providence RI

Coldest in more than 110 years in Providence, Rhode Island. Only the blind cannot see the steep trend to cooling. Just stare at these end lines. Take a good look at these graphs and the straight lines down. Only deranged people would argue that those cooling lines means warming.

Natural Cycles

According to Dr. Richard Lindzen from MIT the earth goes through natural periods of global warming andcooling. Natural means human activity has little or nothing to do with these cycles. According to Dr. Lindzen, the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are problematic and limited because they are based on computer models, which Lindzen says are “generally recognized as experimental tools whose relation to the real world is questionable.”

Furthermore, he feels that the issue of global warming iscompletely political, and that policy makers and the media not only manipulate science but also force scientists to produce work that supports a particular agenda. Dr. Lindzen told a Massachusetts-based radio station that people who believe in global warming are becoming more hysterical in their arguments. ‘As with any cult, once the mythology of the cult begins falling apart, instead of saying, oh, we were wrong, they get more and more fanatical,’ he said.

Spring Turned to Winter

Lebanon has witnessed snow on the mountains this week, which is an unusual phenomenon in the spring. Here it is, snowing at low altitude at the height of the spring, snow falling at an altitude of 1,300 meters. This is in addition to the decline in temperatures, as if spring turned to winter. What we have in many places is unseasonably cold temperatures, which does not make much sense in a world that is supposed to be experiencing record breaking warming.

“We’ve got a freeze alert in Sierra Vista, Arizona, for tonight the 16th of April,” says reader Shay Fowler. “If we do hit 27º (-2.8C), that breaks our record all time low for April.” In mid-April, a Utah storm brought more snow than January-March combined. Wintry weather interrupted spring to blast the Wasatch Front on Wednesday, dumping at least a foot of snow in several valley locations and more than 2 feet at some ski resorts, making a lot of skiers very happy.

It was April 15 and THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN DENVER HAS ISSUED A WINTER STORM WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW FOR NORTHERN COLORADO. As much as three feet in certain areas is expected. Winter storm was in progress simultaneously in Utah.

Deeper south, in Mexico, where it should be warm already, the State Civil Protection Unit are issuing a declaration of emergency in 16 municipalities affected by snow and hail. The head of the Mexican state said that several walnut groves orchards were affected, that while the moisture brings great benefits, there are areas where cold temperature has affected crops.

In Canada on 22 April, blizzard warnings are in effect in Quebec!


REUTERS/Kenneth Armstrong

Freighters trapped in ice are shown in this aerial photo near Whitefish Bay on Lake Superior northwest of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario April 7, 2015. Ice cover on the Great Lakes is backing up shipments of everything from Canadian grain to U.S. iron and steel in one of North America’s most important economic regions.

Moreover, the newest edition of the polar ice map of Canada shows more Arctic sea ice than its 2006 predecessor, despite warnings about global warming accelerating the loss of sea ice.

Here is a weatherman who speaks out from the common sense acknowledgement that the sun is the big player in terms of weather and climate change. Piers Corbyn, who looks like a cousin of Einstein, has developed a revolutionary Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique (SLAT) to peer into the weather, and its changes, with increasing scope and skill.

Corbyn points out that the world is now cooling not warming and there is no observational evidence in the thousands and millions of years of data that changes in CO2 have any effect on weather or climate. “There are no scientists in the world who can produce such observational data,” reports Corbyn.

Meteorologist: Northeast Has Snowiest Winter Since 1717

Joseph D’Aleo, from ICECAP reported that in Boston where temperature records began in 1872, February weather cold was exceeded only by February 1934, which brought Boston their all-time record of -18F. Temperatures never rose out of the 30s this year in February in Boston though it topped 40 four times in 1934. The cold in February 2015 was not confined to the Boston-Nashua area. It was the coldest month ever in Worcester, Hartford and Portland. It was the coldest February in Chicago and Cleveland and 3rd coldest in New York City, 5th coldest month ever in Detroit and Baltimore, both with records back into the early 1870s. All of these people are facing cold problems not heat problems. How biggest news organizations come up with or believe in the lies of global warming or that we are living through the warmest time in history is without shame.

“Looking back through accounts of big snows in New England by the late weather historian David Ludlum, it appears for the eastern areas, this winter’s snowblitz may have delivered the most snow since perhaps 1717,”says meteologist Joe D’Aleo. That year, “the snow was so deep that people could only leave their houses from the second floor, implying actual snow depths of as much as 8 feet or more,” says D’Aleo. “The Northeast just had the snowiest winter since the “Little Ice Age.”

Winter Coming Early

In the southern hemisphere, we have reports winter is coming early to New Zealand. “You would normally expect this kind of weather in June,” said MetService meteorologist Richard Finnie. The cold snap making its way across the country is beginning to bite in the South, with snow and ice affecting some of the region’s roads and forcing flight cancellations at Queenstown. This is just a sign on the wall hinting strongly that we face cooling not record-breaking heat.

South Africans were caught off-guard over the past two weeks as snow hit the country in the middle of Autumn. South African winter as a whole is forecast to be colder and longer than usual in 2015. It is going to be a cold dark winter in South Africa because they are already running low on fuel for their electrical system, which will not be able to stand the increasing load caused by cold weather.


President Barack Obama said, “Today, there’s no greater threat to our planet than climate change.” Besides a total financial meltdown and deep economic depression, and the increasing danger from Fukushima and other accidents waiting to happen at numerous other nuclear power stations, and more war, which we are always getting more of, the president is probably right. However, he is not right to assert that it is manmade global warming which is threatening us. Some are insisting that we need to combat climate change (manmade global warming) by creating a “zero-carbon society” by 2050 when there is no proof at all that it is warming, and that even if it were, that carbon dioxide would have anything to do with it.


2 thoughts on “Spring Turned to Winter

  1. What idiots. Anyone can see even by these idiots own theories and calculations (or…whatever) that a change of just a few degrees can really screw us up. Now what of the Milanchovich Cycle?!? HUH? Global warming is coming like it does at this time every 22-26000 years. It’s a cycle… an ice age, a big melt, the flood, civilization rises, Christ comes as scheduled, then warming, glorious warming, it’s summertime! The Golden age of Man, then of course, after that is the fall of man, then another ice age, then it starts all over again. Just like a clock. It’s not a mystery.

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