Standoff Ends Peacefully With Instagramer, whiskey_warrior_556

Ammoland – by John Crump

Mahopac, New York –-( Whiskey_warrior_556 is the Instagram name of Afghanistan combat vet, Alex Booth. On Saturday afternoon, a Carmel, NY police officer showed up at his doorstep to discuss what they say was a domestic incident that took place with his wife earlier in the day. He disputed this claim.

According to Alex Booth, a former friend informed law enforcement that Booth had a New York state illegal standard capacity 30-round magazine and that Booth suffered from PTSD from his combat tours in Afghanistan. He said police were at his house serving an extreme risk protection order (Red Flag Law). 

Knowing the deadly past history of red flag gun confiscation orders, Second Amendment supporters across the web were instantly concerned for his safety and his story quickly went viral.

The police officer said he heard what he thought was a gunshot and called for backup. It was later determined that no guns were involved in the standoff. Booth appeared in the doorway in an agitated manner when the additional officers arrived at the residence and retreated to his garage apartment.

Booth barricaded himself in his garage apartment and started a six-hour standoff with the police. He started live-streaming the incident in tactical gear to his Instagram account. His following went from roughly 4,000 followers to over 135,000+ during the confrontation with law enforcement.

The police called in the Putnam County Emergency Response Team, the West Chester County Department of Public Safety’s Special Response and Negotiations Team, and an armored personnel carrier (APC). Booth captured all the law enforcement activity on his Instagram feed. Neighbors said it looked like a warzone. Firearms celebrities started sharing his address and asked people to show up to support him.

According to Carmel Police Chief Michael Cazzari, social media attention prolonged the event. He blamed the internet attention for the length of the standoff.

“The negotiators were very close many times to getting the individual to come out of the residence peacefully, and the posts that were on Instagram were just inviting him,” Chief Cazzari told reporters at the scene. “This is a person in crisis, having mental illness, having issues, and he didn’t need the people on social media telling him that his rights are being violated. He needed help. Medical help.”

Booth’s followers also took to blowing up the phone lines of the Carmel Police as well as the Putnam’s Sheriff’s Department. Callers even overloaded the 911 system causing callers to get busy signals because lines were tied up with supporters concerned for Booth’s safety.

Around 9:30 PM, police were able to convince Booth to come out of his home. They took him into custody on a felony arrest warrant from the earlier domestic incident. Police are also charging Booth with burglary, criminal trespass, criminal contempt, aggravated harassment, and petit larceny.

They also stated to AmmoLand News that Booth did not have any guns, and no magazines were ever involved in the event or even mentioned to police.

Rumors were circulating around the internet that police took Oath Keepers and militia groups into custody at a nearby cemetery. AmmoLand News has not been able to verify these rumors. Around the same time as those reports, there was an individual that fled from the police on foot through a graveyard. That event was unrelated to the standoff or any militia group.

About John Crump

John is an NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC, and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast, which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement, including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people from all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at


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2 thoughts on “Standoff Ends Peacefully With Instagramer, whiskey_warrior_556

  1. Arrest the fucin liar!!!
    The one that called the pigs

    That person is a danger to us all and he needs to be arrested and charged with a false report
    And attempted murder

    I guess the line is true about being polite when meeting people but always have a plan to kill them

    Because you can’t trust ANYONE!!

    ( “former friend informed “)

    Yeah , I’m staying a misanthrope … it’s keeping me safe , my shit safe , and I only have to deal with the common idiot , not someone I thought had my back

    Lone Wolf protecting my pack
    All my magazines are standard capacity

  2. “The police officer said he heard what he thought was a gunshot and called for backup.”

    That was the pig next to him farting.

    “He started live-streaming the incident in tactical gear to his Instagram account. His following went from roughly 4,000 followers to over 135,000+ during the confrontation with law enforcement.”



    You want to shut down the Police State tactics… you need to go LIVE.

    Then the sorry f$&ks have to second-guess every move they make, for fear of public backlash, and repercussions.

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