Startup designs slanted toilet that causes pain after 5 minutes — all to raise workplace productivity

The Blaze – by Sarah Taylor

British startup StandardToilet has designed the toilet from hell all to benefit companies and boost employee productivity.

The toilet in question has a seat that is slanted at 13 degrees, and reportedly makes sitting for more than a few minutes rather painful on the legs. 

What are the details?

Mahabir Gill, the startup’s founder, told Wired on Monday that the whole premise behind the toilet is to cut down on the time workers spend on the toilet scrolling on social media, thus cutting into workplace productivity.

Gill said that such an uncomfortable toilet setup will likely deter employees from spending too much time in the restroom when they would be better serving the company by working.

news release for the product reads, “In modern times, the workplace toilet has become private texting and social media usage space. … [W]ith the advent of flexible zero hour contracts it is easy to see why our StandardToilet can be an asset to a business.”

Gill said that sitting on the toilet — which was approved by the British Toilet Association — for more than five minutes would “cause strain on the legs similar to a low level squat thrust,” but “not enough to cause health issues.”

“Anything higher than that would cause wider problems,” he said. “Thirteen degrees is not too inconvenient, but you’d soon want to get off the seat quite quickly.”

What else?

The startup’s webpage insists that the average employee spends 25 percent more time in the restroom than necessary.

Gill also added that the toilet — while created as a benefit to employers — also has health benefits for the user, like reduced risk of hemorrhoids and better posture.

Still, Gill qualified, “[Its] main benefit is to the employers, not the employees.”

“It saves the employer money,” he added.

The special toilets range in price from $200 to $650.

The Blaze

2 thoughts on “Startup designs slanted toilet that causes pain after 5 minutes — all to raise workplace productivity

  1. Just make your coolies wear diapers. No need for all the high tech expensive gadgets.

    Set the record straight for your damn slaves and show ’em who’s boss by putting in a bathroom monitor, just like Russia had hall monitors in hotels to watch and document the guests behavior.

    When my dad(RIP) was there he said he would do his best to confuse them by using the common shared toilet frequently for varying lengths of time at odd intervals and hours.

  2. im Thinking they are asking for some really shitty situations

    I don’t think they are going to like how some people will deal with this

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