States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says

10 News

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — As drugmakers race to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus, several legal questions are emerging: could the government require people to get it? Could people who refuse to roll up their sleeves get banned from stores or lose their jobs?

The short answer is yes, according to Dov Fox, a law professor and the director of the Center for Health Law Policy and Bioethics at the University of San Diego.

“States can compel vaccinations in more or less intrusive ways,” he said in an interview. “They can limit access to schools or services or jobs if people don’t get vaccinated. They could force them to pay a fine or even lock them up in jail.”

Fox noted authorities in the United States have never attempted to jail people for refusing to vaccinate, but other countries like France have adopted the aggressive tactic.

The legal precedent dates back to 1905. In a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the court ruled Massachusetts had the authority to fine people who refused vaccinations for smallpox.

That case formed the legal basis for vaccine requirements at schools, and has been upheld in subsequent decisions.
“Courts have found that when medical necessity requires it, the public health outweighs the individual rights and liberties at stake,” Fox said.

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7 thoughts on “States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says

  1. Totalitarianism.

    These are words written by someone who wants to promote it and encourages it.

    (((dov fox))) Again….

  2. “Courts have found that when medical necessity requires it, the public health outweighs the individual rights and liberties at stake,”

    BULL F***ING SHIT!!! My body belongs to me and no one else! Vaccines have been proven to be ineffective, toxic to the human body, and often result in a plethora of health issues, even death. No “authority” has any right to put my life at risk, especially with unproven science.

  3. anytime every time they say “the govt has….” whether it be right.. authority.. ability.. whatever.. just replace that word with Force. some smart guy a long time ago said.. fight fire with fire.. maybe there’s something to that! even though we are and will be righteous in OUR force.. there’s no one to tell. we have the law on our side but they aren’t operating under law.. just Force. until people stop Expecting justice.. it’ll only get worse. i saw a video yesterday of Australian prime minister talking about the feedoms they enjoy… double speak at its finest. well.. hopefully we can get Biden in there.. he’ll fix this mess!!

  4. They’re getting more bold in their proclamations. Trying out a new tactic, I guess. Or maybe testing the water in calling us out. Their tactics are turning on them, ’cause it’s very evident their enemies are a growing; they are growing an army of pissed people.


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