16 thoughts on “Stuck In Hell – Kentucky/ Ohio Border Wreck – This Is Where Drivers Re-Evaluate Their Job

    1. I get paid by the mile and only have 11 ahours day to drive. I’m looking for a percentage wage soon and become independent. Be a real busines man I guess. This shit gets worse every year.

  1. I bet it road work that what’s I seat in last night . Had two fools almost took the bumper off the front of my truck , cut over at k y speedway and went into Indiana drop off about 20 miles out of veyva Indiana the run back down 62

  2. A truck got lazy and rolled into another truck. Drivers got out and started fighting. A Mexican and an Arab, Mexican pulled a knife. Drivers get lazy and let their foot off the brakes.

    I heard this on the CB, I would have taken a pic. LMAO

    These trucks roll back easily, happens all the time.

    Still sitting, three hours now. Just lost 190 miles.

  3. I know the feeling

    Was sitting for 2.5 hours just last Tuesday

    Accident in construction zone
    And they just keeps letting the traffic build without notification

    I was stuck in an area w/o any exits
    Engine off , in park

    1. Engine off in park, that is bad man.

      I was in your neck of the woods last night late, too late to call though. Been running bad hours lately. Loads are getting hard to find during decent hours.

      Hope your doing well man.

    1. Been on that pass in heavy snow, looked out my right window and saw the back of my trailer, scared the shit out of me. Nasty ass pass in bad weather, sure is beautiful there though.

      Something like a 10% grade, dangerous as hell.

    1. You never hear them on the CB, they would get their ass handed to them..there are hundreds of thousands of them out there.

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